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    I don't have any specific questions for this project. I am still working to wrap my head around Javascript and coding altogether. I am taking an in person course for JS and hoping to sharpen my skills.

    Of course, any and all feedback is welcome. You guys are awesome.

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    I used this project to simply build better habits when coding, such as outlining things better, tackling the project section by section, etc.

    I do not have too many questions, as this one is pretty straightforward, but once again, I am open to suggestions and helpful comments.

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    1. Still need to work on accessibility (read more documentation to add SR stuff)
    2. Workflow habits must improve
    3. Refactoring is ongoing

    Any general feedback and resources are welcome. I struggled with using bootstrap in a few different ways, but overcame my issues and learned a lot more about it and targeting certain things to override bootstrap.

    I did not need to us JS in order to get the drawer menu in mobile view to work. HA!

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    The only thing I really wanted to achieve which I knew would be a bit difficult to grasp was harnessing a media query that would adjust the bottom 'LUXURY' card to turn its width into the width of both the 'SUVS' and 'SEDANS' cards above it while being viewed on a tablet sized viewport.

    Any best practices feedback is always welcome! I am still getting into the how to even start refining my process, but it is coming along faster than I thought. This community so far is AWESOME.

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    I found getting used to the box model of CSS and HTML difficult. I found out that putting things in more div's gives you more power over the content. It is also quite easy to make styling convoluted, but I had fun inspecting in a browser and playing with individual values to get things "just right".

    This project is by no means a carbon-copy, but it is pretty darn close! I learned A LOT along the way and it is my first challenge getting into coding and frontend development.

    If anyone wish to look at my CSS in particular and let me know of any tips and tricks to tidy it up, I am totally open.