What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?(⌐■_■)
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?(⌐■_■)
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?(⌐■_■)
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?(⌐■_■)
great solution and easy to read code! I like that you used fetch() instead of import and useState() to handle the data
This is a pretty simple page.
Your solution looks really good and close to the design. However, clicking on the buttons had no effect whatsoever on the values in the cards. Maybe, look into that.
Great job! The ratio of the columns in desktop view do look slightly off but overall good work!
Great job! However, I think you forgot to add the quote background image on the purple card.
great job overall. I would suggest downloading the fonts in the style-guide.md file to have your solution look as close to the design as possible
Please give feedback on the accessibility and maintainability of my code. And also about HTML structure.
You have done a great job! However, I noticed you used #react tag but looking at the code it was HTML/CSS.
I love the fact that I finally get to use the relative/absolute position in a project. Since it was a static page, I didn't bother coding for different screen size. Next time, I will work with the mobile first workflow
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I did not understand the concept initially. I thought there is no way create a QR code generator without using a javascript. With help from google and the discord community, I was able to have a clearer understanding
You've done a really good job. However, for your solution to be as close as possible to the design I would suggest removing the <a> text in the card and matching the spacing as closely as possible. Overall, great job!