Hai, I'm facing problem to implement responsive background image. In this solution, I have not use any background image. I try to put background image based on breakpoint tailwind presets, but background image on intro section should be overlaying another image and other background image is having a gap on left and right. I'm still exploring how to use background image properly.
You don't need <br> tags for the paragraph. Let the words wrap naturally.
To ensure the card is in the center horizontally on large devices, unset width for <body>. Then, set background-size:100%; so that the background image fills up the remaining space.
Hello sir/ma'am,
This is my first project which I have med all alone. I had to take help at one place to put the eye icon while we hover on equilibrium image. Feel free to share me your thoughts and where I should work better.
Thank you.
To make the background color fills the entire height, set the height of .inner-container to 100vh.
The eye icon should have been provided in the challenge's folder. Anyway, to change the icon's color to white, you can use the SVG code directly and set fill:white; You can refer to this.
Note: You can get the SVG code by opening the SVG file inside your text editor (E.g. VsCode).
I can't find your h1 element. π You can read this to find out more about headings.
Use <a> or <button> for the time buttons: Daily, weekly, monthly. (Those on the side) This will let screen reader users to know they are to be clicked. π
Maybe you forgot to set the current time button's color when the page first loads.
I noticed there are repetitive Js code. Maybe, you can create a single function that can replace the showWeekly, showMonthly, etc. For example:
function showCardContent(time, data){
for (let i = 0; i < cardsTitles.length; i++) {
currents[i].innerText = data[i].current + "hrs";
prevs[i].innerText = `Last ${time}- ` + data[i].previous + "hrs";
/*play the animation */
The code above may or may not work but the general idea is there! π
Hello everyone, I would like to receive some feedback about an issue occurred with my mobile content height, for some reason that I completely don't understand it doesn't let me scroll vertically as it suppose to do. Can anyone help me to understand what happened? (I had tried some things as overflow-y or even set a fixed height but nothing happened with the first hidden card)
Hello! To fix your issues, just remove align-items:center; from body element and set height:fit-content; on main element for mobile size using media queries. π
This one was fairly simple for me! In fact, I was able to complete it in well under an hour, and I'm mad proud of myself for honing my HTML and CSS skills that far.
Any feedback you can provide would be nice. I did have a bit of trouble with the hover effect over the image, so any cleaner solutions would be greatly appreciated!
Hello! Great job for this. It looks very responsive too~ π
Maybe try using before/ after pseudo-elements for the eye icon π.
Also, not every image needs alt value. Depending on the use cases, it can be left as such alt="". Refer here. For example, the eye icon's alt can be leave empty. And maybe even the clock icon. π
Use button or radiobutton elements for the tip selection (Screen reader users won't know it's to be clicked if you use a div.
Change the RESET text to Reset. Find out more here π
Instead of using innerHTML for the texts, an alternative would be textContent. You can read about their differences here. But for this current use case, both can be used. π
For the tip buttons' event listeners, there seems to be lots of repeated code. In this case, you can use a single function for them all. For example:
for(const tipBtn of tipButtons){
tipBtn.addEventListener('click', handleTipClick)
const handleTipClick = (event) => {
let tipValue = 1 // Change it to whatever the default tip value is
const selectedTip = event.target.value
if(selectedTip === '5%'){
tipValue = 5
let totBill = Number(inputBill.value)/100*tipValue
let totPeople = Number(nrPersone.value)
totTipOutput.innerHTML =(totBill/totPeople).toFixed(2) + "β¬"
The code above is written with the assumption that radio buttons are used π. Also, it might or might not work but, the general idea is there. π
Hey Everyone! This is my solution to the FAQ section.
I need some help with a transition I have been trying to make but haven't succeeded yet.
When the answer 'hides' I want to transition the height, so that it closes smoothly, I tried to put a transition to .question__answer but I didn't see any effect. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Your answer is very much appreciated! Thank you in advance! :)
Hmm... such a weird issue! π This might not be the best solution but, after referring to this, turns out that setting the height to a value with any unit other than % will solve it. For example, try height:3rem; instead of auto. π²
Total newbie here! I am having trouble making it responsive, any advice/feedback is much appreciated. Also if there are ways to code the layout more efficiently? Any comment is welcomed :)
Here are some suggestions( or things I think can be fixed)
Remove the height setting from .card. Instead, set the height for the image, either in px or other units. I don't recommend using vh or vw for this height. π
Remove top setting from .card. Then, set the body's height to 100vh. (The card is now at center for any size π₯³)
You are missing h1 and h2 elements. Maybe put a h1 element containing the challenge's title like <h1> NFT card challenge </h1> and hide it using a screen-reader only π class (You can check these out - Ref1, Ref2. Also, read this to find out about heading tags' usage.
To center vertically, the icon and text inside .eth and .time respectively, you can give those two classes this: display:flex; align-items:center;.
Instead of using position:absolute; right:1.5em; on .time to align it to the right, maybe you can try out justify-content:space-between; on .feature. π
Hello! I might be wrong but in React, you cannot get the latest, updated state right after setting the state. Refer here You have to either use useEffect (and set the trigger to be the 'region' state) or use the 'e.target.value' directly.