I'm really proud that I was able to complete this all on my own and I learned a lot doing it! I'm also learning a lot about myself: #1) I might be OCD because I get very caught up on the tiny details, especially the space between and above and below elements, sentences, words, etc. #2) I am a very determined person and I refuse to give up.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I had a difficult time on a couple of areas. The first area was the Instructions. I had to research how to style the list numbers with a different color and that's how I learned about Counter Reset and Counter Increment. The second part that was difficult was the Nutrition section. I'm thinking there must've been an easier way of doing it and I feel like I just hacked it together. If anyone would like to take a look at my code and make a few suggestions, I would be appreciative. I am learning so much by tackling these challenges!!
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?I would love for someone to look at my code and see if I did the Nutrition section right or if there was a better way of doing it. I don't know Grid, and by the time I reached that section I didn't want to spend time learning it at that moment😣. Also, if I am using the same size font and such as the sample, how come my solution ends up being so much bigger than the sample?