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Solução usando HTML, CSS e Grid



Desktop design screenshot for the QR code component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
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O que você achou difícil ao construir o projeto?

Community feedback

Ecem Gokdogan 9,380



Some recommendations regarding your code that could be of interest to you. 🤗


In order to fix the accessibility issue:

  • Each main content needs to start with an h1 element. Your accessibility report states that the page should contain a level-one heading. So, you need to use a <h1> element in the <main> tag instead of using the <h3> element. You can replace the <h3>Improve your front-end skills by building projects</h3> element with the <h1>Improve your front-end skills by building projects</h1> element.


  • If you want to center it correctly, you can update your body in this way: (after doing it, please remove main because you don't need main anymore in your CSS file 🤗 )
body {
  padding: 0px;
  margin: 0px;
  background: hsl(212, 45%, 89%);
  font-family: "Outfit", sans-serif;
  min-height: 100vh;
  display: grid;
  place-content: center;

Hope I am helpful. :)

Marked as helpful




@ecemgo Thanks. The changes were made!

Ecem Gokdogan 9,380



@RaizaCirne I'm happy to help, happy coding! :)




Hello there 👋. Congratulations on successfully completing the challenge! 🎉

  • I have other recommendations regarding your code that I believe will be of great interest to you.


  • This solution has also generated accessibility error report due to lack of level-one heading <h1>
  • Every site must want at least one h1 element identifying and describing the main content of the page.
  • An h1 heading provides an important navigation point for users of assistive technologies, allowing them to easily find the main content of the page.
  • So we want to add a level-one heading to improve accessibility by reading aloud the heading by screen readers, you can achieve this by adding a sr-only class to hide it from visual users (it will be useful for visually impaired users)


I hope you find this helpful 😄 Above all, the solution you submitted is great !

Happy coding!

Marked as helpful




@0xAbdulKhalid Thanks. The changes were made!


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