Latest solutions
- Submitted almost 2 years ago
Responsive Intro Component with Sign-up Form
#animation#accessibility- HTML
- JS
- Submitted almost 2 years ago
Responsive Sunnyside Agency Landing Page (only HTML + CSS + JS)
#animation- HTML
- JS
Latest comments
- @3eze3Submitted almost 2 years ago
- @AndrewwangariSubmitted almost 2 years ago@ecemgoPosted almost 2 years ago
Some recommendations regarding your code that could be of interest to you.
- If you want to make the card centered both horizontally and vertically, you'd better add flexbox and
min-height: 100vh
to the body - You can add the recommended color for the screen to the
body { background: hsl(212, 45%, 89%); display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; min-height: 100vh; }
- If you use
, the card will be responsive - You'd better update
to give a gap between the content and the border of the card
.box3 { /* padding: auto; */ padding: 15px; /* border: 1px solid hsl(212, 35%, 85%); */ border-radius: 10px; /* width: 300px; */ max-width: 300px; /* height: 500px; */ background-color: hsl(0, 0%, 100%); }
- In addition to that above, in order to make the card responsive and the image positioned completely on the card, you'd better add
width: 100%
to the img
img { /* width: 300px; */ width: 100%; border-radius: 5%; /* padding: 10px; */ }
- You'd better update the padding of the
p { /* padding: 20px; */ padding: 10px; }
- You don't need to define
and you can remove it
/* .box2 { border: 1px solid hsl(212, 35%, 85%); margin: 150px auto; width: 1500px; height: 700px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; background-color: hsl(219, 71%, 75%); } */
- Finally, the solution will be responsive if you follow the steps above
Hope I am helpful. :)
0 - If you want to make the card centered both horizontally and vertically, you'd better add flexbox and
- @devjhexSubmitted almost 2 years ago@ecemgoPosted almost 2 years ago
Some recommendations regarding your code that could be of interest to you.
- If you use
, the card will be responsive and you can reduce the width a bit - You don't need to use
if you use flexbox in thebody
.qrComponent { /* width: 370px; */ max-width: 300px; /* margin-top: 3rem; */ /* margin-inline: auto; */ }
- After updating like above, you don't need to use media queries for this solution because the solution will be responsive if you follow the steps above
Hope I am helpful. :)
Marked as helpful0 - If you use
- @RafaelNunesgSubmitted almost 2 years ago@ecemgoPosted almost 2 years ago
Some recommendations regarding your code that could be of interest to you.
- If you want to make the card centered both horizontally and vertically, you'd better add flexbox and
min-height: 100vh
to the body
body { background: hsl(212, 45%, 89%); display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; min-height: 100vh; }
- If you use
, the card will be responsive and you can reduce the width a bit - You'd better update
to give a gap between the content and the border of the card
.container { padding: 16px; /* margin: 6% auto 38% auto; */ max-width: 300px; /* width: 348px; */ /* height: 545px; */ }
- In addition to that above, in order to make the card responsive and the image positioned completely on the card, you'd better add
width: 100%
to the img
img { width: 100%; /* width: 316px; */ /* margin: 16px 0px 16px 16px; */ border-radius: 8px; }
- You'd better update the margin of the texts
h2 { /* margin: 10px 36px 10px 36px; */ margin: 20px 10px; }
p { /* margin: 10px 36px 10px 36px; */ margin: 10px 0 30px; }
- Finally, the solution will be responsive if you follow the steps above
Hope I am helpful. :)
Marked as helpful1 - If you want to make the card centered both horizontally and vertically, you'd better add flexbox and
- @emilioQuilodranSubmitted almost 2 years ago@ecemgoPosted almost 2 years ago
Some recommendations regarding your code that could be of interest to you.
When you download the starter, there is a
in the folder. You can use that reference for color, font-size, font-family etc.- If you want to make the card centered both horizontally and vertically, you'd better add flexbox and
min-height: 100vh
to the body - For the background, you can use the recommended color in the
body { display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; min-height: 100vh; background-color: hsl(212, 45%, 89%); }
- If you use
, the card will be responsive and you can increase the width a bit - You'd better update
to give a gap between the content and the border of the card - You can add
text-align: center
to center texts
.main .card { /* width: 240px; */ max-width: 300px; border-radius: 10px; margin: 0 auto; background-color: white; /* padding: 10px; */ padding: 15px; text-align: center; }
- You can add
to the.card-title
and update it in thecard-text
.main .card .card-title { font-size: 20px; }
.main .card .card-text { font-weight: 300; /* font-size: 12px; */ font-size: 16px; }
- You don't need to use
and.main .block
and you can remove them
/* .main { position: relative; background-color: #DFDBE5; background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg width='180' height='180' viewBox='0 0 180 180' xmlns=''%3E%3Cpath d='M82.42 180h-1.415L0 98.995v-2.827L6.167 90 0 83.833V81.004L81.005 0h2.827L90 6.167 96.167 0H98.996L180 81.005v2.827L173.833 90 180 96.167V98.996L98.995 180h-2.827L90 173.833 83.833 180H82.42zm0-1.414L1.413 97.58 8.994 90l-7.58-7.58L82.42 1.413 90 8.994l7.58-7.58 81.006 81.005-7.58 7.58 7.58 7.58-81.005 81.006-7.58-7.58-7.58 7.58zM175.196 0h-25.832c1.033 2.924 2.616 5.59 4.625 7.868C152.145 9.682 151 12.208 151 15c0 5.523 4.477 10 10 10 1.657 0 3 1.343 3 3v4h16V0h-4.803c.51.883.803 1.907.803 3 0 3.314-2.686 6-6 6s-6-2.686-6-6c0-1.093.292-2.117.803-3h10.394-13.685C161.18.938 161 1.948 161 3v4c-4.418 0-8 3.582-8 8s3.582 8 8 8c2.76 0 5 2.24 5 5v2h4v-4h2v4h4v-4h2v4h2V0h-4.803zm-15.783 0c-.27.954-.414 1.96-.414 3v2.2c-1.25.254-2.414.74-3.447 1.412-1.716-1.93-3.098-4.164-4.054-6.612h7.914zM180 17h-3l2.143-10H180v10zm-30.635 163c-.884-2.502-1.365-5.195-1.365-8 0-13.255 10.748-24 23.99-24H180v32h-30.635zm12.147 0c.5-1.416 1.345-2.67 2.434-3.66l-1.345-1.48c-1.498 1.364-2.62 3.136-3.186 5.14H151.5c-.97-2.48-1.5-5.177-1.5-8 0-12.15 9.84-22 22-22h8v30h-18.488zm13.685 0c-1.037-1.793-2.976-3-5.197-3-2.22 0-4.16 1.207-5.197 3h10.394zM0 148h8.01C21.26 148 32 158.742 32 172c0 2.805-.48 5.498-1.366 8H0v-32zm0 2h8c12.15 0 22 9.847 22 22 0 2.822-.53 5.52-1.5 8h-7.914c-.567-2.004-1.688-3.776-3.187-5.14l-1.346 1.48c1.09.99 1.933 2.244 2.434 3.66H0v-30zm15.197 30c-1.037-1.793-2.976-3-5.197-3-2.22 0-4.16 1.207-5.197 3h10.394zM0 32h16v-4c0-1.657 1.343-3 3-3 5.523 0 10-4.477 10-10 0-2.794-1.145-5.32-2.992-7.134C28.018 5.586 29.6 2.924 30.634 0H0v32zm0-2h2v-4h2v4h4v-4h2v4h4v-2c0-2.76 2.24-5 5-5 4.418 0 8-3.582 8-8s-3.582-8-8-8V3c0-1.052-.18-2.062-.512-3H0v30zM28.5 0c-.954 2.448-2.335 4.683-4.05 6.613-1.035-.672-2.2-1.16-3.45-1.413V3c0-1.04-.144-2.046-.414-3H28.5zM0 17h3L.857 7H0v10zM15.197 0c.51.883.803 1.907.803 3 0 3.314-2.686 6-6 6S4 6.314 4 3c0-1.093.292-2.117.803-3h10.394zM109 115c-1.657 0-3 1.343-3 3v4H74v-4c0-1.657-1.343-3-3-3-5.523 0-10-4.477-10-10 0-2.793 1.145-5.318 2.99-7.132C60.262 93.638 58 88.084 58 82c0-13.255 10.748-24 23.99-24h16.02C111.26 58 122 68.742 122 82c0 6.082-2.263 11.636-5.992 15.866C117.855 99.68 119 102.206 119 105c0 5.523-4.477 10-10 10zm0-2c-2.76 0-5 2.24-5 5v2h-4v-4h-2v4h-4v-4h-2v4h-4v-4h-2v4h-4v-4h-2v4h-4v-2c0-2.76-2.24-5-5-5-4.418 0-8-3.582-8-8s3.582-8 8-8v-4c0-2.64 1.136-5.013 2.946-6.66L72.6 84.86C70.39 86.874 69 89.775 69 93v2.2c-1.25.254-2.414.74-3.447 1.412C62.098 92.727 60 87.61 60 82c0-12.15 9.84-22 22-22h16c12.15 0 22 9.847 22 22 0 5.61-2.097 10.728-5.55 14.613-1.035-.672-2.2-1.16-3.45-1.413V93c0-3.226-1.39-6.127-3.6-8.14l-1.346 1.48C107.864 87.987 109 90.36 109 93v4c4.418 0 8 3.582 8 8s-3.582 8-8 8zM90.857 97L93 107h-6l2.143-10h1.714zM80 99c3.314 0 6-2.686 6-6s-2.686-6-6-6-6 2.686-6 6 2.686 6 6 6zm20 0c3.314 0 6-2.686 6-6s-2.686-6-6-6-6 2.686-6 6 2.686 6 6 6z' fill='%239C92AC' fill-opacity='0.4' fill-rule='evenodd'/%3E%3C/svg%3E"); width: 100%; height: 100vh; padding-top: 5%; } */ /* .main .block { box-shadow: 0 10px 20px #bbbbbb; background-color: rgb(148, 188, 214); width: 75%; margin: 0 auto; padding: 5% 0; text-align: center; } */
- Finally, you can remove media queries because the solution will be responsive if you follow the steps above
Hope I am helpful. :)
Marked as helpful1 - If you want to make the card centered both horizontally and vertically, you'd better add flexbox and
- @RodrigooliveiraBRPRSubmitted almost 2 years ago@ecemgoPosted almost 2 years ago
Some recommendations regarding your code that could be of interest to you.
- The html structure should be like that:
<body> <main class="card"> <img src="images/image-qr-code.png" alt="image-qr-code"> <h1>Improve your front-end skills by building projects</h1> <p>Scan the QR code to visit Frontend Mentor and take your coding skills to the next level</p> </main> <footer class="atribuition"Challenge by <a href="" target="_blank">Frontend Mentor</a>. Coded by <a href="">Rodrigo De Oliveira Silva</a>. </div> </body>
- If you want to use the recommended font-family for this project, you can add the following between the
tags in HTML file:
<link rel="preconnect" href=""> <link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin> <link href=";700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
- After adding them to the HTML, you can add this font-family to the
- If you want to make the card centered both horizontally and vertically, you'd better add flexbox and
min-height: 100vh
to the body
body { background-color: hsl(212, 45%, 89%); min-height: 100vh; align-items: center; font-size: 15px; /* font-family: "Marck Script", cursiva; */ /* font-family: "Outfit", sem serifa; */ /* display: flexbox; */ display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; font-family: "Outfit", sans-serif; }
- If you use
, the card will be responsive
.card { max-width: 300px; }
- In addition to that above, in order to make the card responsive and the image positioned completely on the card, you'd better add
width: 100%
to the img
img { /* width: 96%; */ width: 100%; border-radius: 20px; }
- You'd better update texts in this way:
h1 { color: hsl(218, 44%, 22%); margin: 20px 0; font-size: 20px; line-height: 1.3; }
p { color: hsl(220, 15%, 55%); margin-bottom: 20px; line-height: 1.3; }
- You don't need to define
and you can remove it
/* .container { max-width: 350px; margin: 0 auto; } */ /* text { padding: 22px 10px; } */
- Finally, if you follow the steps above, the solution will be responsive.
Hope I am helpful. :)