REST Countries API with color theme switcher - React, Bootstrap v5
Design comparison
Solution retrospective
Hi Frontend Mentor community! Here is my solution to the rest countries api challenge with dark and light theme.
Difficult part Fetching borders data and integrating with existing country data was a hard part for me in this challenge. I should have used routers from start for that but still I have done it without react router dom. Please give your suggestions on improving my code or any advice.
Built With
- React
- Bootstrap v5 (It turns out to be a great choice for this challenge)
Thank you. Looking forward for your feedbacks✨
Community feedback
- @freakyjonesPosted over 2 years ago
Hi Rimsha congrats on completing the challenge 🎉🎉
your website looks just like the design. while reviewing your website, one mistake caught my eye, the filter by region dropdown list item cursor is not a pointer.
Happy coding :)
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