Design comparison
Solution retrospective
Hello everyone! I completed this challenge using the React library that I set up with Parcel, if anyone has any suggestion regarding the set up of this project I'll be happy to change things around. I wanted to set up React from scratch and use the router as well as practice React of course. Let me know what you think about the card flipping and the form validation. The form validation is messy as I wanted to add setTimeOut for error display but I couldn't figure out how to make a single function for it (or anything else to validate the form). Any feedback on anything is very much appreciated. Thank you!
Community feedback
- @SarahHenriettePosted almost 4 years ago
Hi 😊,
Bravo for the project, I find it very well done !! 👍 I really like the flip effect on the cards in the "Meet the Directors" section of the "about" page !
I may have a suggestion:
- remove the focus of the input from your form. It seems to me that in your css you can do: "input: focus {outline: none}"
and also maybe put a "cursor: pointer" on the input submit
In any case good work and good continuation 😉
0@Cats-n-coffeePosted almost 4 years ago@SarahHenriette thank you very much for your feedback! I was thinking this outline should be removed, but then I was wondering if the active styles from the project were enough for accessibility? I am still very new to accessibility and I get confused with this outline. What are your thoughts?
0@SarahHenriettePosted almost 4 years ago@Cats-n-coffee Unfortunately, I'm not the best person to talk about accessibility because I don't really know the subject. 😕
But I imagine that the active styles of the project allow us to have a good base to make the form accessible. After that it is surely possible to go further.
For the validation of forms with reactjs I know a rather nice library "React hook form"
0@Cats-n-coffeePosted almost 4 years ago@SarahHenriette I saw people suggesting this react library as well, I'll check it out! Thank you!
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