Design comparison
Solution retrospective
I think I resolved most challenges in making the page responsive and in line with the design brief. I'm happy I finished it and didn't give up.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?Many challenges in applying grid (in combination with image overflow, SVG image, z-orders etc. I'm always in trouble with relative and absolute file references. This time I overstructured, by starting to create a million class descriptions and CSS variables. Structure is important, but don't overdo it, was my lesson.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?I need to practice more with the 'cascade' in CSS, to make my code predictable.
Community feedback
- @arfath-aliPosted 3 months ago
Everything is good, but you need to use the max-width property on text and images to make your page similar to the given design.
Marked as helpful1
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