This time, I’m just focusing on improving my CSS skills. I’m not using any special methods, just aiming to complete the assignment. Of course, I’ll also look at other people’s work to absorb their excellent coding skills.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?When encountering difficulties, for me, it’s about adjusting the layout for different device sizes. For example, between 1024 and 1200px, my footer looks strange. It seems too wide for medium devices but too cramped for large devices within the 1024px to 1200px range. In the end, I chose to render the large device style at 1200px.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?I have used SCSS to manage CSS before and know that SCSS allows for nested writing and inheritance to manage styles. However, in my practical experience, it’s difficult for me to consider all the SCSS processing at the beginning, so I still prefer to write directly in CSS. Should SCSS be handled at the end to optimize CSS? Because my proficiency in SCSS is not very high, I usually end up choosing to write directly in CSS.