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  • @andressakaren


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?


    • Este é o meu primeiro desafio do projeto, e estou muito feliz por concluí-lo. Estou aprendendo muito com este primeiro passo que dei. Na próxima vez, incluirei mais comentários e me esforçarei para fazer um código mais limpo.


    • This is my first project challenge, and I'm very happy to conclude it. I am learning a lot with this initial step that I've taken. Next time, I will include more comments and strive for cleaner code.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?


    • Tive que aprender sobre 'display: flex' e alguns atributos para concluí-lo.


    • I had to learn about 'display: flex' and some attributes to conclude it.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?


    • Qualquer feedback é bem-vindo para que eu possa aprimorar minhas habilidades.


    • Any feedback is welcome so that I can improve my skills.



    Parabéns, Andressa, seu código beirando a perfeição. Parabéns. continue assim

  • @sazzad88


    How would you done that curvy background ? i had hard time doing that :). Still not happy with the way i did.



    Hello, @Sazzadur.

    This curvy background was really difficult to me too.

    The best way I found to represent that was using a different element with the who inherit the color of his parent with width 100%. In the CSS I use the relative position to position in the bottom of the parent. The curve pattern I use this code:

    .ellipsePattern {
      background-color: inherit;
      width: 100%;
      height: 4em;
      bottom: -4em;
      left: 0;
      clip-path: ellipse(60% 100% at top center); <-----
      position: relative;

    This was very difficult to reach that solution because it's unusual to do such curve. You can read more about here, if you wanna try: Mozzilla docs

    This function is like this ellipse ( "How curve you want relative to his own size", "Size that starts the curve" at "Position")

    Hope this helps you!

    Marked as helpful

  • @paulo1310


    Olá, sou Paulo Carvalho e esta é a minha solução para este desafio projeto componete de resumo de resultados . 👋

    Este é meu terceiro projeto, e ainda estou me familiarizando com GitHub, como enviar as soluções para o Frontend Mentor.

    Neste terceiro projeto, já consegui adicionar o README, acho que ficou bom rsrsrs, além de ter deixado responsivo, como pede o desafio.

    Qualquer feedback sobre como posso melhorar e reduzir o código necessário é bem-vindo!



    Ficou muito bom o seu projeto.

    A única dica que eu te dou, é que pode usar o gradient, e é mais comum de se ver dessa forma, usando o background apenas. Na sua aplicação está assim:

    .coluna1 .circle {
    background-image: linear-gradient(180deg, hsl(241, 81%, 54%),hsla(241, 72%, 46%, 0));

    E poderia ser apenas assim:

    background: linear-gradient(180deg, hsl(241, 81%, 54%),hsla(241, 72%, 46%, 0));

    Outra dica que posso te dar, já que mencionou o github, é sobre os commits que tem feito. Assisti uma mentoria de um recrutador recentemente e o rapaz falou que os commits são sempre bem vistos, então, é bom fazer os commits por etapas do seu processo para demonstrar como você avançou nas etapas do projeto. Por exemplo:

    - Commit 1: Adicionando arquivos iniciais do projeto (só o index e as imagens)
    - Commit 2: Adicionando a estrutura html e os textos
    - Commit 3: Adicionando base de estilos
    - Commit 4: Adicionando estilos da pg
    - Commit 5: Adicionando responsividade
    - Commit 6: Consertando bug na coluna 1

    No geral o código está bem organizado e objetivo. Você definitivamente não coda como um iniciante.

    Marked as helpful

  • SonLuka 60



    This is my first 'bigger' project. Overall I'm happy with it, it took me some time but I learned a few things. I would appreciate any help with my CSS code, how to make it cleaner and more accessible to other programmers. Thanks!



    Hello @SonLuka, hope find you well.

    So, I'm in the same situation. So I researched for some things to make my CSS look more organized.

    So the first thing is pull apart the CSS by context with comments. Example of what I do: CSS

    /* Variables */
    :root { 
      - - primary-color: #fefefe
      - - secondary-color: #0f4a28
    /* Resets */
    * {
      padding: 0
      box-sizing: border-box
    /* Base Styles */
    /* Typography */
    Heading1 {
    /* Header */
    And from here I'll go adding more specific atributes for the elements from top to bottom of the page. 
    And if its possible, alway mark with a comment what part of the HTML it will affect.

    The second tip, and I didn't used that, was creating a folder for CSS and inside it pull apart the code by context in different files.

         |_ baseStyles.css
         |_ resets.css
         |_ cards.css
         |_ mainPage (folder)
                   |_ header.css
                   |_ main.css
                   |_ productCard.css
                   |_ footer.css
         |_ salePage (folder)
                   |_ header.css
                   |_ paymentCard.css

    The main difference s that you will have to import all the css files in diferent <link rel="styleSheet" > tags. This practice isn't so usual when you are programming just with HTML and CSS and landing pages, but if you keep your studies and progress with JS later, you probably will start some framework like ReactJS (could be another) and in this frameworks, the styles are made for each component in different files. This tip of folders are good too when you have different pages, and you can import something you already did in another and reuse, then create a file just for some specific styles.

    The last tip I have after my researches, was using a Preprocessor CSS. I started using SASS as a preprocessor and helpedme just because make CSS looks more simple than it is, and the commands and features isn't hard to learn. I super recommend you to give a try in SASS if you are confident. I learned from a youtube channel. I saw this video, took notes and instead of practice in the project that the guy is doing in the video, I practiced in one project here in FrontEnd Mentor.

    So, that's all I have to tell right now about this. Thank you and have a great weekend.

    Marked as helpful

  • @xtirian


    Hello, my friend. Hope you are doing well.

    I saw that you use the overflow: hidden in the body when i'm sure you wanted use overflow-x: hidden

    Also, how you did the animations? It work jut with the delay?

    I didn't find any js file in your code.

    Marked as helpful

  • @sazzad88


    1. What size of image should be considered for website. Generally big size images are used in figma but they are not very good to be used in website.

    2. Should we use multiple image for different screen size ?

    Any other suggestion for better practice is appreciated.



    Hey friend! Hope you are doing well.

    I don't have suggestion, just want to ask you something. I really liked the way you solved the footer part. Can you explain me what is the logic?

    footer::before {
        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        background-color: rgba(77 150 169 / 0.9);

    Basically you create an empty content before the footer with the background-color, am I right?

    But, do you know why this content created before the footer isn't covered by the footer img?

    I had to create a div inside the footer to be like a colored glass between the footer img and the content.

  • @xtirian


    Boa noite, @Julia.

    Seu código está muito bom e o resultado está muito fiel ao apresentado, parabéns.

    A única dica que eu gostaria de deixar é a seguinte, quando colocar width e height com unidades relativas, tais como vw, vh ou %, tente colocar também um max-width, pois quando abre em telas muito grandes, o card continuou crescendo e o texto ficou com as mesmas proporções

    Espero que esteja se divertindo. Um abraço.

    Marked as helpful

  • mav 90



    Hey, as it's my first solution, I have 2 questions that sometimes blow my mind. When to use vw and vh, when %, and when px. For this site I did px, because I don''t want my card to change size while, width is changing. It is correct? Second question is when to use margin and when padding? Do they have their own rules?



    Hi, @mav, hope you are doing well.

    the % and vw

    So, imagine this scenrio: html:

       <section class="container">
            <div class="card"></div>

    css case 1:

    .container {
    width: 1100px
    margin: 0 auto
    width: 100%

    Look that in this case ".card" style the "width=100%", the "card" size will be 1100px, respecting the size of his parent "section" (father element). If you open in a tablet screen with 768px, the size of the elements will continue 1100px (bigger than the screen and will create a scroll bar)

    css case 2:

    .container {
    width: 1100px
    margin: 0 auto
    width: 100vw

    Here the ".card" style the "width=100vw", then his size will depend on the size of the screen. if you open now in the same tablet screen 768px, the container will continue having the 1100px, but the card now have 768px independent of his father.

    The logic is the same for vh. The problem of using vh and vw is when you have screens too big that the elements are dispersed; or the screen is too small that the elements become distorteds

    margin and padding

    So if you look in a objective and practical way, they are almost the same effect, the main difference is, the margin affect the outside of the element, the padding affect the inside of the element: html:

    <p>I'm web developer</p>


    h1 {
     font-size: 44px
     line-height: 44px
    p {
     font-size: 16px
     line-height: 16px
     margin: 10px

    In this example, the distance of the text "Hi" and "I'm..." are 10px. But, and if I change the CSS?

    h1 {
    p {
     padding: 10px

    Here, the distance of h1 and p, still 10 px, BUT the "Hi" will be 20px of distance from "I'm...". This is because the p element stil at the same place, but now the p has a distance of 10 px from his border until the text element inside it. And, in the last case:

    h1 {
    p {
     padding: 10px

    Here, the "Hi" will have the same 20px of distance from "I'm...", but the distance between the elements h1 and p is 0px. What it affects? if you add a border to the h1 and p for example, their borders will collide.

    So that's all, my friend. Hope I could help you.

    Marked as helpful

  • @xtirian


    Hello @Prasanna Pandhare! Hope you are doing well!

    I ain't saw problem in the queries, but the main width. If you wanna fix-it try to set a "min-width: 288px" to the main ".card" in the line 23, o it don't distorts when you change the device and you have the control of what it will looks like. Some times you can use too the max-width to set a max range for your page, so if you open it in a TV, the elements don't get scattered.

    Well, that's it. Have a good day and enjoy your coding.

    Marked as helpful

  • @xtirian


    Gostei que você traduziu. Ficou legal
