I did it quicker than expected, a big improvement using background-url instead of html img elements. I added a media query to improve the design for devices from 800px to 1440px wide. I didn't focused on the font-size, so yeah, it could definitely be improved. I also could use flex-wrap instead of media queries maybe ? This proves to me that I don't really need CSS Grid for such a design if I'm comfortable with Flexbox.
Latest comments
- @FayhildSubmitted 22 days agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?@wtfkimiPosted 22 days ago
Have you even looked at the design??? Well, like, if you give such crap to the client, no one will pay you for the work, my advice is to look at the design and your work
0 - @RaivisPSubmitted 30 days ago@wtfkimiPosted 29 days ago
Everthing is good but mobile version not very nice, u should avoid hardcoding values for width, check my preview card mob verison https://four-card-xi-dun.vercel.app/
1 - @macode09Submitted about 1 month ago@wtfkimiPosted about 1 month ago
Strive to make your layout minimally different from the layout, my advice is to learn to do it slowly but efficiently.
0 - @Bhagirathsinh8Submitted about 1 month ago@wtfkimiPosted about 1 month ago
The text color and font family do not match the design. The mobile layout does not correspond to the design. Additionally, the spacing is not consistent with the design. I recommend you look at the design and your solution and compare it. If I were the customer, I would not pay for such work.
0 - @hussainali99aSubmitted about 1 month ago@wtfkimiPosted about 1 month ago
I recommend you look at the design and the design prototype and compare your solution with the design.
Move the variables from Figma to a separate CSS file with variables, use flex and grid grids for layout.
Look again carefully at the external and internal margins and compare with what you have. Or better yet, look at the code of my solution https://github.com/abidasfromearth/front-end/tree/main/Social-link-profile/public
0 - @Utkarsh860Submitted about 1 month ago