How would you optimize this code? What would you change about this code? What best practices would you have implemented?
¿Cómo optimizarías este código? ¿Qué cambiarías de este código? ¿Qué mejores prácticas hubieras implementado?
How would you optimize this code? What would you change about this code? What best practices would you have implemented?
¿Cómo optimizarías este código? ¿Qué cambiarías de este código? ¿Qué mejores prácticas hubieras implementado?
Great job! In my opinion, there usually isn't much room to optimize plain html and css code on a small project. But what is noticeable is the responsiveness of the image, in which you are using a background image. It grows unproportionally around the tablet size. Instead, I suggest using the <picture> html tag where you can set media queries to size your image appropriately and keep the proportions accurate.
What are some areas of my code that I can improve upon? I'm open to suggestions.
Great job. Between 600-800px window width, your divs crash into each other. There's many options on remedying this such as creating a max-width on your mobile view until it hits 800px or arranging the items around the grid for this intermediate interval.