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  • @Sezalsaundarya11


    Hey everyone!

    I've recently completed the Article Preview Component challenge from Frontend Mentor, and I'm looking for some constructive feedback to help improve my skills. I'd appreciate it if you could take a moment to review my work and provide insights.

    ##Technologies Used.




    1. Code Areas Seeking Feedback:

      • Are there any particular sections of my code that you think could be improved or optimized?
      • Do you see any potential code smells or areas that could be refactored?
    2. Questions about Best Practices:

      • Are there any best practices you recommend I follow to enhance my code structure or organization?
      • Do you have suggestions on how to make my code more maintainable and scalable?
    3. Responsive Design:

      • How well does the responsive design work on different devices in your opinion?
      • Are there improvements I could make to enhance the user experience on various screen sizes?
    4. General Impressions:

      • Overall, what are your general impressions of the project?
      • Is there anything that stands out positively or negatively?

    Your feedback is immensely valuable to me, and I'm eager to learn from your insights. Feel free to be as detailed as possible. Thank you for taking the time to review my work!




    Hello, @Sezalsaundarya11! Great job on building your second FEM project! I’d like to offer some constructive feedback. Allow me to share valuable tips that will serve you well in your future projects:

    I. HTML Structure: Remember to properly structure your HTML documents using tags like <main>, <article>, <section>, <header>, <footer>, and <nav>. These elements enhance accessibility and maintainability. Using proper structure will minimize the need too use too much divs. You can avoid complexity changing your HTML to:


    II. Heading Order: Maintaining the correct order of headings (from <h1> to <h6>) is crucial. It ensures semantic clarity and assists screen readers. In your code you used <h2 class="top-heading> and <p class="card-content"> it would be better to use just <h1> for the title and <p> for card-content text. Your <span> element could be <h6>(as showed in point I).

    III. Simplify CSS Selectors: Whenever possible, use element selectors to avoid unnecessary complexity in your code. For instance, if you’re targeting a .card-container class, consider leveraging the HTML structure (as mentioned in point I) and directly target the mainelement.

    IV. Avoid Absolute Units: Instead of using fixed units like px, opt for relative units such as em and rem. This approach ensures responsiveness across different devices and screen sizes. You used rems in many places but there are some px in your .css file that could be changed to rems as well.

    V. Format Your Code: Format your code for better readability. Your code formatting is good but it could be even better if you change (for example):


    to this:

    h5 {
    	font-weight: 700;
    span {
    	font-weight: 500;

    It's not a big change but will make your code more readible.

    VI. Meaningful Commit Titles: When committing changes, it’s helpful to provide descriptive titles. Instead of generic ones like Update opt for specifics such as Add live site url Clear commit messages benefit both you and your future collaborators. Remember to commit every change you’ve made to your project, ensuring that it has been tested and works. Commits are a great way to showcase your workflow and progress in building projects.

    Let me share a little tip with you, another great way to center a containter is to use grid:

    .container {
    	display: grid;
    	place-items: center;

    I think that you did really good with the responsive design. If you want to sharpen your skills, Kevin Powell is an excellent teacher, and he recently uploaded a video titled A Practical Guide to Responsive Web Design on his YouTube channel YouTube video link. I highly recommend watching not only this video but also exploring his entire channel and his website Kevin Powell's website link, which is a valuable resource for frontend developers.

    My general impression of your project is really good, you did a very good job. Keep up the great work, and best wishes on your coding journey! If you ever have any questions, feel free to reach out — I’m here to help. You can find my contact information in my profile. Keep coding and stay curious!

    Marked as helpful

  • @danniadelap


    What was difficult for you while building the project? I found it difficult to center my card What areas of your code are you unsure about? I'm not sure if I'm doing it right since I don't know good practices in CSS and Html and responsive development. Do you have any questions about best practices? Where can I find information and exercises about good practices and responsive development?




    Hello, @danniadelap! Good job on building your first project! I’d like to offer some constructive feedback. Allow me to share valuable tips that will serve you well in your future projects:

    I. HTML Structure: Like @osmanbay90 said in his great feedback, remember to properly structure your HTML documents using tags like <main><article><section><header><footer>, and <nav>. These elements enhance accessibility and maintainability.

    II. Heading Order: Maintaining the correct order of headings (from <h1> to <h6>) is crucial. It ensures semantic clarity and assists screen readers. In your code you used <p class="title"> and <p class="info-scan" it would be better if you used just <h1> for the title and <p> for info-scan text.

    III. Simplify CSS Selectors: Whenever possible, use element selectors to avoid unnecessary complexity in your code. For instance, if you’re targeting a title class, consider leveraging the HTML structure (as mentioned in point II) and directly target the h1 {}.

    IV. Custom Properties (Variables): Introduce custom properties (CSS variables) to enhance code readability and maintainability. While they may not be critical for smaller projects, adopting them early establishes good habits and makes your code more adaptable.

    V. Avoid Absolute Units: Instead of using fixed units like px, opt for relative units such as em and rem. This approach ensures responsiveness across different devices and screen sizes.

    VI. GitHub Documentation ( Invest time in creating clear and informative README files for your projects. Following the Frontend Mentor blueprint is a great approach. Good documentation makes you a better developer and helps others understand your work.

    VII. Meaningful Commit Titles: When committing changes, it’s helpful to provide descriptive titles. Instead of generic ones like ‘Done,’ opt for specifics such as ‘Center the QR code component.’ Clear commit messages benefit both you and your future collaborators. Remember to commit every change you’ve made to your project, ensuring that it has been tested and works. Commits are a great way to showcase your workflow and progress in building projects.

    You did really well using flexbox to center the QR component. Another great way is to use grid on the container:

    .container {
    	display: grid;
    	place-items: center;

    Kevin Powell is an excellent teacher, and he recently uploaded a video titled A Practical Guide to Responsive Web Design on his YouTube channel YouTube video link. I highly recommend watching not only this video but also exploring his entire channel and his website Kevin Powell's website link, which is a valuable resource for frontend developers. Additionally, consider checking out the following great resources:

    Keep up the great work, and best wishes on your coding journey! If you ever have any questions, feel free to reach out—I’m here to help. You can find my contact information in my profile. Keep coding and stay curious!

    Marked as helpful

  • @quantumloki


    I just completed my second Frontend Mentor project, though parts were challenging. I was able to solve the issues and finish the work. How can I make the learning box change color when the user hovers their mouse over it? An answer would be helpful.




    Hello, @quantumloki! I came across your solution thanks to @abdellah-abadou, and I’d like to offer some constructive feedback. Allow me to share valuable tips that will serve you well in your future projects:

    I. HTML Structure: Remember to properly structure your HTML documents using tags like <main><article><section><header><footer>, and <nav>. These elements enhance accessibility and maintainability. For instance, consider using <main> -> <header> + <section> + <footer> to streamline your code and improve readability.

    II. Heading Order: Maintaining the correct order of headings (from <h1> to <h6>) is crucial. It ensures semantic clarity and assists screen readers. Avoid skipping heading levels—for example, going directly from <h1> to <h4> and <h5>.

    III. Simplify CSS Selectors: Whenever possible, use element selectors to avoid unnecessary complexity in your code. For instance, if you’re targeting a .avatar class, consider leveraging the HTML structure (as mentioned in point 1) and directly target the footer.

    IV. Custom Properties (Variables): Introduce custom properties (CSS variables) to enhance code readability and maintainability. While they may not be critical for smaller projects, adopting them early establishes good habits and makes your code more adaptable.

    V. Avoid Absolute Units: Instead of using fixed units like px, opt for relative units such as em and rem. This approach ensures responsiveness across different devices and screen sizes.

    VI. Avoid Floats: Embrace modern layout solutions like flexbox and grid. They provide more flexibility and scalability, allowing you to evolve as a developer.

    VII. File Structure: Organize your .css files in a separate folder (e.g., styles or css) and name the file styles.css or style.css. A well-organized file hierarchy is essential for clarity, scalability, and ease of maintenance.

    VIII. GitHub Documentation ( Invest time in creating clear and informative README files for your projects. Following the Frontend Mentor blueprint is a great approach. Good documentation makes you a better developer and helps others understand your work.

    IX. Meaningful Commit Titles: When committing changes, provide descriptive titles. Instead of generic titles like “Update index.css,” opt for specifics like “Style nutrition table.” Clear commit messages benefit both you and your future collaborators.

    Keep up the great work, and best wishes on your coding journey! If you ever have any questions, feel free to reach out—I’m here to help. You can find my contact information in my profile. Keep coding and stay curious!

    Marked as helpful

  • P



    Hello, @xStephx! Let me share some helpful suggestions with you. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

    I. HTML Structure: Remember to properly structure your HTML documents using tags like <main><article><section><header><footer>, and <nav>. These elements enhance accessibility and maintainability.

    II. Heading Order: As @abdellah-abadou mentioned, maintaining the correct order of headings (from <h1> to <h6>) is crucial. It ensures semantic clarity and assists screen readers.

    III. Avoid Nesting <p> Inside <li>: Nesting <p> tags within <li> tags can lead to unexpected behavior. It’s unnecessary and can cause issues down the line.

    IV. Simplify CSS Selectors: Whenever possible, use element selectors to avoid overcomplicating your code. For instance, if you’re targeting a <th> element with the class “custom-th,” consider using th {} directly.

    V. Custom Properties (Variables): Use custom properties (CSS variables) wisely. If a variable isn’t needed, like in the case of --font-wght-700: 700, opt for a direct value, such as font-size: 700.

    VI. Bootstrap Usage: While learning and using Bootstrap is valuable, focus on mastering the basics first. Bootstrap can come into play as you advance in your learning journey.

    VII. GitHub Documentation ( Invest time in creating clear and informative README files for your projects. Following the Frontend Mentor blueprint is a great approach. Good documentation makes you a better developer and helps others understand your work.

    VIII. Meaningful Commit Titles: When committing changes, provide descriptive titles. Instead of generic titles like “Update style.css,” opt for specifics like “Style nutrition table.” Clear commit messages benefit both you and your future collaborators.

    Remember, feedback and networking is essential for our growth. Keep up the excellent work, and I wish you all the best on your coding journey!

    Marked as helpful
