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All comments

  • @willie10r


    HI, well done on the project it's very close to the mock page just a few things. First thing is you have a few accessibility and html issue's due to not having alt tags in your image's. Second you have a toggle switch that's not in the mock up. Third your font type or family has not been changed for the pricing. Other then those few issue's everything look's good. Hope you found this helpful.

  • @willie10r


    Good job on this the layout is spot on and the javascript is working well. You seem to have a HTML error on this part its empty "/div> <form action=``> <" to look at and find this issue scroll to the top of this comment section and click the view report button. Another issue is at screen width 476px and under the screen blanks out.

  • @willie10r


    It looks like your links are not working correctly. I can't access your project or files.
