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All comments

  • @Edwin574


    I was unable to implement drag and drop.It was also hard to implement the summaries for the different tasks,



    Maybe you should try this one again after some more practice

  • @ketchanji


    What did you find difficult while going through my project? Which areas of mycode are you unsure of? Do you have any questions about best practices?



    Hoping you'll make this work

  • @Starisblack


    Its really challenging and I love it. Getting the border countries is really really challenging i spent days on that. And I'm happy i could get it done to this stage. Learn a lot of things in getting the project done. Thanks to those who have completed the project before, your work help when I'm stuck at some stage. I'm open to suggesting and advice. Still working on it



    Why the modal on page load? It's useless and breaks the flow of the entire experience.

  • Maca 630



    Nice challenge, I learned a lot. First time I am working with API.

    I noticed, on mozzila firefox. It generates advice only once and then it is not getting another. Other browsers works fine (even mobile firefox).

    I have added a time countdown bar at the top of the container, since:

     "Advice is cached for 2 seconds. Any repeat-request within 2 seconds will return the same piece of advice."

    I also implemented the little flip animation on page load using AOS - Animate on scroll library. It's quite easy to use and looks nice.

    Suggestions are welcome.



    You could add a second parameter to your fetch request like so:

    fetch("", { cache: "no-store" })

    This will stop the API from caching, and you would be able to make requests one after the other, bypassing those 2 seconds. If I were you, I would add this and get rid of the timeout animation, seeing as it's useless if you spam the generate advice button.

    Marked as helpful

  • Kelly CHI 210



    Hey there, this is my #12 challenge ✌️ And also my first challenge of Junior level. It's really fun to work with different APIs. Wish there could be more challenges related to APIs on Frontend Mentor! Thank you for reviewing my code, I am happy to hear any suggestions :)



    You should really fetch some advice straight away on page load to have it displayed already.

    Marked as helpful

  • @martinnkemakolam


    • I used the body dom object in making sure i can toggle to dark mode or light is that bad?



    Nope, giving classes to the body DOM element is absolutely fine! It's pretty common to use the body for theme changes. Great work

    Marked as helpful

  • Tony 50



    I found it difficult to align the current price and old price design until I found out that it would be easy by putting the elements in a table data cell and adding display : table-cell; to the stylesheet.



    That's what display flex is for!

    Marked as helpful

  • @vlad-solomon


    It seems to me you're requesting info from the API every time a country loads and unloads - not even talking about how you are requesting information about its neighbors every time. This seems pretty cumbersome on both the API provider and your front-end.
