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    Things that i found most difficult in this project were the proper responsive layout for all platforms and coming up with proper functioning of button like cart delete and updation and display of count but the thing that i find most difficult is designing the image carousel with having whole content as background and opacity and enabling and disabling toggler for different layout

    1.The part of code i'm unsure is in desktop when i click on thumbnail in desktop carousel the background image changes too 2. The transition of desktop carousel disturbs the layout . i cant get rid of it even i set the transition to none.

    i will be very thankful to you if you can help me in improving my code in any method . Thanks for your time !

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    Things i find most difficult in this project are manual carousel and the resposive i have to design for phone tablet and desktop. Accordion was easily handled

    Thank you for taking the time to go through it; any feedback is welcomed.

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    Things i find difficult in this project are to conditionally display the error like "This area is required" and "must be a valid date"

    The area im unsure about are im still uncapable to display mutilple errors at once like if only Month and Year are empty i cant display "This area is required " in both of them without making it complex

    I'm thankable to anyone who can suggest how to tackle these problem

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    i have faced problems in positioning the components . is there better way to tackle the problem and can you tell me the best practise to attempt the question thanks for your help

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    The area where i'm unsure of my code is whenever i switch from desktop to phone's dimension in google dev tool, both the images disappear and require a refresh for the image to appear again . Is there any help you can provide to tackle the problem ?

    and furthermore can you suggest any best practise to solve the problem Thank You for your help

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    Please provide any suggestions for further learning. I found difficulties when implementing localStorage, maybe there is a suggestion. Let me know if there are any errors, even better if provide a solution. Thank You

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    I'm facing difficulty while designing for mobile using position as absolute sometimes overlap over other content as you increase width from 375px to 1366px Any Comment or suggestions are appreciated !

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    Any Comment or suggestions are appreciated !

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    Any Suggestions or comments are appreciated !

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    i'm having difficulty in adding opacity during hover effect and in building responsive website .Your comments and suggestions are welcome!