This is my solution to this challenge! It was a fun challenge, and I learned a lot about Context API and useReducer hook.
Any feedbacks are welcome! Happy coding and have a nice day!
This is my solution to this challenge! It was a fun challenge, and I learned a lot about Context API and useReducer hook.
Any feedbacks are welcome! Happy coding and have a nice day!
It's nice but it's slow like while searching for a country. How'd you manage to get border countries name
So finally, I did implement the flip animation! This was somewhat challenging. I had almost no problems while doing the flip in css on hover but to integrate it with setTimeOut is tough!! You have to add and remove classes at specific intervals and make sure that they work properly with the effect.
My javascript code has kind of become spagghetti code while writing this and it was sad. :(
I learnt that I am not able to change scss variables using media queries. Guess it is back to css custom properties :_)
Any feedback on how I could have done it better, what should I have focussed on while solving this would be valued. It would mean so much to me.
Hey would you like to teach me how did you make cards flip....
Loved it! but how will you subtract negative number?