@user2830581All solutions
- Submitted about 2 months ago
Product Preview Card Component
Any notes on the responsiveness would be great!
- Submitted about 2 months ago
Recipe Page
I think my CSS nesting is ok as it's now supported natively in most browsers but if it's bad practice or anything let me know!
- Submitted about 2 months ago
Social Links Profile
I think I achieved the hover and focus states well and the site is responsive for smaller screens but if there is anything you notice can be improved then let me know!
- Submitted 2 months ago
Blog preview card
- Feedback on how to simplify my CSS, I think there may be some redundant styles I think it looks a bit bloated but not sure how to identify when and where to cut back.
- Feedback on my use of clamp() function for font sizes.
- Submitted 2 months ago
QR code component
- Code structure: I'm not sure if the centering issue I mentioned above could be solved in a simpler way. I'm also curious if my HTML and CSS have room for improvement and can be refactored to better align with standard coding practices.
- Responsiveness: While I didn't see any issues with responsiveness, I'd appreciate feedback if there are things I might've missed. At the moment I test my projects on a 14-inch laptop screen and a 25-inch monitor, and adjust for mobile devices using Chrome's developer tools.