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    Hi, This challenge is all about details (e.g. background images, modal dropdown drawer background gradient, carousel, simplify-section background image). I tried to catch as many details as I could. I chose to use a carousel in testimonials-section for all screen sizes. It's a responsive layout. Feedback is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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    Hi, This challenge has been the most difficult and most worked solution I have completed so far on Frontend Mentor. I had to redo a few times my responsive design implementation. I had a lot of overflow issues that I could not identify. I had to change a little the design for the header menu and the mobile dropdown drawer, which actually is a tabs menu. Overall it has been a fun project. Feedback is welcome. Thank you!

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    Hi, I found it difficult to make the first image in the hero block responsive. I used clip-path CSS property to make the image resemble the template. I had some problems making the images resize and keep the aspect ratio. Overall this project was about image processing. I've also done for the first time a mobile modal dropdown drawer with the header still accessible. I think I hit a limit with the number of projects I can deploy for free on Vercel. I'll try deployment on Heroku next. Thank you!

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    Hi, The hardest part was making the images responsive and still resemble the design template for all screen sizes. Your feedback is always highly appreciated. Thank you!

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    Hi, I found this challenge the hardest so far. I'm not sure I've used the best approach when detecting a click event outside the cart dropdown component. I had to use a dummy class throughout all the elements in the cart dropdown, due to JSS class naming generator. The questionable approach is in this file: cart-dropdown.js. Please send me a feedback if there is a better approach. Thank you!

  • Submitted

    Hi, This solution is developed in NextJS with Material-UI and JSS for CSS. In order to persist the list of shortened links I used cookies. The cookies will expire after 5 minutes. I integrated the external API (i.e. using an API routing in NextJS, so this solution uses both server side rendering and client side rendering. Using Material-UI JSS is challenging. JSS has advantages and disadvantages. Maybe I should explore Tailwind CSS as an alternative. Any feedback is welcome! Thank you!

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    Hi, Please let me know if something in wrong in my solution. This youtube video helped me to better design the layout and the mechanics behind the countdown timer: Thank you!

  • Submitted

    Hi, I developed this app using NextJS and Material-UI. I used themes and JSS/TSS for CSS. I got stuck on some issues when developing this. For the first two I found solutions. The last one is unsolved.

    1. When implementing JSS/TSS I stumbled on this error: In order to get SSR working with tss-react you need to explicitly provide an Emotion cache. MUI users be aware: This is not an error strictly related to tss-react, with or without tss-react, MUI needs an Emotion cache to be provided for SSR to work. Here is the MUI documentation related to SSR setup: TSS provides helper that makes the process of setting up SSR easier:
    2. When I serialized some synchronous methods on a string (e.g. split, join) and then applying an asynchronous filter on the resulted array, I was getting this error: Uncaught (in promise) Error: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received
    3. I don’t know how to override some default behavior in MaterialUI theme classes (i.e. when clicking the div element, it blinks light blue. It should blink with a lighter palette color from the theme). Thank you!
  • Submitted

    Hi, I'm not sure if html input patterns work inside JSX (i.e. the phone number pattern doesn't seem to work all the time). Also I don't know how to use drop-shadow in CSS (e.g. if I set a drop-shadow on a form it will drops shadows on all html controls but not on the form itself). I had to use box-shadow to make the forms as close as possible to the templates (i.e. box-shadow has a small border all around and I don't know how to get rid of the borders). Thank you!

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    Hi, I'm not sure I've done a decent job with my implementation of hamburger menu. If there is a better way of doing it please let me know. Thank you!