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bookmark landing page with Tailwind
PSubmitted about 18 hours agoI would like to hear how you enjoy using Tailwind. I have not found much pleasure, yet, but I am open to any inputs. Also, as always, I appreciate any comments/feedbacks on my design and code.
PSubmitted 4 days agoAny sort of feedbacks are highly appreciated! If you could do the layout in a simpler way, I would like to learn about it.
PSubmitted 7 days agoThis is my first use of SCSS/SASS. It makes it easier to write the style sheet, but I may be making more verbose and less concise because of that. Any advices/comments/suggestions on my use of SCSS/SASS are highly appreciated.
PSubmitted 9 days agoI appreciate any feedbacks on the design and style. In particular, I would like to know if I used BEM properly.
frontend quiz app
PSubmitted about 1 month agoAny suggestions and comments are highly appreciated. If you see any glitches, please let me know.
meet landing page
PSubmitted about 1 month agoI really appreciate any comments/suggestions/encouragements.
I often overlook handling of interactive elements, setting right margins/paddings, choosing right fonts. I appreciate if you can point out any oversight on my part.
Latest comments
- P@CasperTheChildSubmitted 3 days agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?P@toshirokubotaPosted about 18 hours ago
Hi, I found your design clean and pretty. I like the sliding transition of the mobile menu. Very nice. I have a couple of suggestions that may improve the functionality of your project. First, we cannot open the answers on the FAQ section with keyboard. You can add a keydown or keyup event handler (with event.code being Enter) and use the same code with the click handler. Second, once the validity check fails on the email field, the error persists until a proper email is provided and submitted. I found the interface a bit too harsh. In my design, I provide a 'focus' event handler on the email field and clear any error flags so that the user can easily clear the error and move on. Great job and hope this helps.
0 - @Tasin269Submitted 10 days agoP@toshirokubotaPosted 4 days ago
Hi, I think you are almost there to complete the project. As you are probably aware, the caption of the image does not move at all. You want to apply the same carousel design to them as you did with the hero images. I found that the layout of the arrows is very tricky. I see that they are not fully visible on your desktop version. So I suspect that you had a similar difficulty as I experienced? I used a grid layout and prepared one extra column and one extra row just to put the arrows at the right place. Nice efforts and good luck with your coding journey.
0 - @Atomico333Submitted 19 days agoP@toshirokubotaPosted 7 days ago
Congratulations on finishing the project. Your implementation responds well with various sizes (especially for table sizes). I just finished the same project, and I found mine did not cope well with the mid size width. I have a few comments that may help improving your coding/design. First, I would use <picture> element wrapping <img> element so that different display/device scenarios can be handled. This way, you can simplify your JavaScript code. Second, you have two identical menus, one for mobile and the other for desktop. You can change the case of text in css with text-transform. So you do not need to provide them. Third, it would be helpful to git-push your original SASS file so that we can follow your coding/design process better. When we only see a generated CSS, your process becomes less clear. Good luck and keep up the good work!
Marked as helpful0 - P@JairRaidSubmitted 14 days agoP@toshirokubotaPosted 9 days ago
It looks very good to me. I like that you made interactive elements focusable with TAB. Good job and good luck!
0 - @rincanelaSubmitted 9 days agoP@toshirokubotaPosted 9 days ago
It looks good. One comment I have is that you probably want to give ALT with a description of the image for image-equilibrium.jpg. The SVG icons are for visual presentation only and ALT can be left blank.
Good luck!!
1 - @mike15395Submitted about 1 month agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
I am proud that i completed this challenge with all core functionalities working fine. I would write more modular and maintainable code in future.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I encountered a series of challenges: 1.Writing core logic for correct and incorrect option 2.displaying correct score 3.CSS for dark mode 4.responsive code
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Please help me with CSS of options in darkmode and responsiveness in small devices.
P@toshirokubotaPosted about 1 month agoHi great job completing the project. I just finished this myself and it was a lot of work. I did not find any glitches on the app. One comment about the styling is that on a mobile view, fonts are quite large for the view port and as a result, buttons are pushed down. I have to scroll down to submit. So I would adjust font sizes for the mobile view so that everything fits concisely. For the javascript side, I see many querySelector() and querySelectorAll() inside callbacks. This can slow down the app. I would pre-select some essential elements beforehand and save them in variables so that you do not have to query them every time you need them.
Good luck!