I would like that somebody explain me how to put the shadow Behind the box
Tobías Leclercq
@tobiidev21All comments
- @Dadv-a11ySubmitted 16 days agoWhat specific areas of your project would you like help with?@tobiidev21Posted 15 days ago
Hello, friend!
Your page isn’t visible right now, but don’t worry! This is a common issue, and I’ll help you understand and resolve it on your own.
First, you’ve probably selected GitHub Pages as your hosting provider, which gives you a URL in this format: https://username.github.io/your-project-folder/. This URL allows others to view and interact with your page.
Everything seems set up correctly so far, but when we try accessing your URL, we see a 404 Error. Why does this happen?
The problem lies in the URL itself, specifically in where it points. GitHub Pages provides a URL that, by default, points to your project’s root directory. In other words, we can’t see anything because the URL directs to your project folder instead of the index.html file. To fix this, you need to add "index.html" to your URL, depending on where it’s located.
If index.html is in the project’s root directory, the URL should look like this: https://username.github.io/your-project-folder/*index.html*. If index.html is inside another folder (e.g., “src/”), the URL should look like this: https://username.github.io/your-project-folder/*src*/*index.html*.
I hope this explanation is clear and helps you both understand and fix this very common issue. That’s all, mate! I’ll be waiting for your feedback.
Greetings, Tobías
0 - @MarcosAvgSubmitted about 1 month agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
To have understood the basic elements of html and css. In retrospect, in the future I would like to improve my semantics and my understanding of css as well as a better handling of style guides and organization.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?The biggest challenge was to follow and think about how to position the elements in a clear way, to see where to put extra elements and where to remove them to make the layout easier.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?I would like to get some advice on good css handling, in case I have repeated myself or have not used a good practice.
@tobiidev21Posted about 1 month ago¡Hola, Marcos! Me gustaría realizar un aporte semántico en tu código html. Tu código contiene una etiqueta (
) que engloba el componente tarjeta, dentro de la misma posees una etiqueta (<img>
) y un (<div></div>
). El código está correcto y podría funcionar de esta manera, pero también podría ser buena idea mejorar la semántica del mismo. Principalmente, el tamaño de la pantalla se debe ajustar para dispositivos pequeños (mobile) y pantallas más grandes (desktop). La idea sería utilizar una etiqueta (<main></main>
) que se adapte a estás dimensiones y dentro crear otra etiqueta que englobe la tarjeta (card). Así puedes readaptar el fondo del componente a las dimensiones adecuadas para cada dispositivo. Por otra parte, sería maravilloso separar el componente tarjeta (card) en dos secciones con etiquetas semánticas<section> </section>
: una para la imágen y otra para el texto. De esta manera, tu código será más legible y estará mejor segmentado semánticamente. Espero que mi devolución te pueda ayudar a seguir aprendiendo y mejorando. A continuación te dejaré un ejemplo de código. Saludos.<body> <main class="main-container"> <div class="card"> <section class="qr-section"> <img src="../public/image-qr-code.png" alt="QR Code"> </section> <section class="info-section"> <h1>Improve your front-end skills by building projects</h1> <p>Scan the QR code to visit Frontend Mentor and take your coding skills to the next level</p> </section> </div> </main> </body>
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