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All comments

  • Lillian 20



    I felt pretty good about this challenge although I would like to know:

    1. the best way to add horizontal lines. I did not end up figuring out how to implement the horizontal line that runs into the button. I've struggled with this element on other projects as well.

    2. the arrow image did not deploy to my Netlify site, is there something wrong with my file structure/React shell?

    Thales 150



    Hello, another way to add the horizontal line and place a border-bottom of the color you need, then on the button you can place it with position relative and calibrate the top: -10px for example the element will go on top of the line covering the line hope I helped


  • Thales 150



    Hello, the solution was very good, the only thing I saw that you can improve is to test the last day of the month if it is valid using the date-fns lib to ensure that the user will not enter February 31st, for example, follow the code I I did it on mine

    const lastDayMonth = lastDayOfMonth(new Date(year, month - 1, 1));
        if (day > lastDayMonth.getDate()) {
          setError("day", { message: "Invalid day" });
  • Thales 150



    nice mobile you can customize your css to look good on the desktop, I also suggest you use css media query

  • @stanko-tomic


    Multistep form project built using Next.JS v13 and Tailwind.

    The project uses custom useContextHook to globally manage state. It has two components the FormHandler which is the Sidebar and Footer but also nests a second component FormDisplay.

    FormDisplay shows the necessary data for each step and gets it's data from /lib/data.ts.

    As such I have created the array of steps which contains each case of a special selection and styled it accordingly. For example if the step contains plans array it will render it from the FormDisplay.

    All feedback is welcome. NextJS for this is probably overkill but it's easiest for me to use and I am most comfortable with it.

    Thales 150



    very good work, I really liked this solution it is very similar

    The code is good, and I separated the steps into components, but I really liked your solution, it was easy to understand
