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    Hey everyone! It's been a bit since I completed a challenge! I was able to secure a software engineering internship so I've been pretty busy preparing that! I still plan on continuing doing front end mentor projects to bolster my front end skills. I actually have a goal to complete a couple advanced projects and at least one guru challenge before my internship ends.

    Anyways, this project was really fun to do! The hardest part about this project was the background image positioning, which isn't perfect but it's acceptable for me. Please let me know how I can improve my code! Thank you in advance!

  • Submitted

    Hey everyone I completed another Junior Project with an API. This project was really fun to build as I have learned a way to toggle between themes. I also utilized a different solution to fetch the API than the previous advice generator project. Another concept I learned was being able to use the slice method in JavaScript to eliminate the unnecessary information that was retrieved from the API (specifically the date the users have joined). Please let me know if there is any way I could improve my code! Thank you in advance.

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    Hey everyone I have completed my first Junior level project with an API! I thought this project was simple in design and tested my knowledge in JavaScript. I implemented a FetchWrapper class to fetch the API which helps with my code organization and makes the code more readable.

    If anyone has any feedback on how to improve my code, please share! Thank you in advance!

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    Another project down! This project was really fun to explore how to layout 3 different images in the layout and make the images responsive. This project also improved my CSS skills with absolute and relative positioning when formatting the FAQ answers. I also found the JavaScript portion was simple for me to do. Please let me know if there is anything I could do to improve my code. Thank you in advance!

    This will be my last Newbie project (for now). I will officially be moving on to the junior projects. I am very excited to keep continuing to learn and improve my front-end skills.

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    Hey everyone, I got another project completed! I have to give props to FrontEndMentor for creating this platform and making the challenges fun. For this project, I used CSS grid for this project and I'll admit that I struggled on the desktop layout portion. The code for the grid may be a little rough but I am looking for anyone's feedback on how I can improve my grid layout skills. Thank you in advance!

  • Submitted

    Hello everyone! I completed another project and this one was one of the harder newbie challenges in my opinion but I still enjoyed doing the project! I had fun figuring out how to lay the image perfectly next to the div container. I also never knew that you can use the border-radius property on certain corners which was interesting. If any of you have any suggestions on how to improve my code please let me know! Thank you in advance!

  • Submitted

    This project was a really fun and quite simple project to touch up on some front end skills such as the media queries and changing the layouts. I didn't have too much difficulty with this project. I am noticing improvements on my front end skills. Going to finish a couple more newbie projects and I'll start doing some junior difficulty projects!

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    This project was really fun to do and it tested my grid knowledge. One aspect that took a decent amount of time is playing with the box-shadow properties. If anyone has any good resources to practice/learn box-shadows in css please let me know! Also this is the first time I've used the ::before css property to get the colors on top of the containers. Please provide any feedback to improve my code in any way, including the box-shadow and ::before situations. Thank you in advance!

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    Another day another project down! One of the biggest things I've learned while doing this project is utilizing JavaScript to do the form validation. I didn't realize that putting "required" in a html input would prevent the JavaScript validation to work. Another thing I've learned is changing the color of the email placeholder when there is an error. Overall this was a very fun project to do that taught some great coding concepts!

    If anyone has any advice or tips to improve my code, please let me know! Thank you in advance.

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    Hey everyone. I got another project down. This project was really fun since I got to play around with utilizing different layers of the image and the icon with the turquoise background. If anyone else has a simpler solution for this project, please let me know! Thank you in advance.

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    Hello everyone! This is my second official Front End Project I've done. This project was really fun since I enjoy working with buttons in JavaScript. I had no difficulty with the JavaScript portion of the project.

    One thing that did trip me was the background color of the buttons. Frontend Mentor gave us the colors we needed but it seemed there wasn't a color that best suited the buttons. I did adjust the background of the buttons on my own so they were slightly different than the container background. If anyone has any other suggestions/solutions for this situation, please let me know! Thank you in advance.

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    Hello everyone! This is my first official Front End Mentor project completed. It wasn't difficult but I did have a little problem finding the "perfect" size for my container.

    If anyone has any tips on helping me find the best size for my project containers for the future Front End Projects. I am also welcoming any feedback on how I can improve. Thank you in advance!