@ThiagoCMSSubmitted about 4 years ago
I'm accepting feedback so i can improve my skills
I'm accepting feedback so i can improve my skills
Excellent work, it is identical. Congratulations, continue coding!
There are some bugs regarding the background, I suggest you use the background-size property (https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_background-size.asp) using percentages is usually very useful. Nice job!
Feedback welcome!!
The responsive looks incredible, very good work and the hover of the buttons gives it a very special detail.
The desktop version it's very good, but in the mobile version I had some trouble getting that version. My suggestion is that you check Grid ( www.w3schools.com/css/css_grid.asp ) and the use of Media Queries. Surely it will be useful for a lot of projects, happy coding!