The hardest thing for me, as a newbie, is to center the elements on the screen, I always suffer.
Please feel free to give me feedback.
The hardest thing for me, as a newbie, is to center the elements on the screen, I always suffer.
Please feel free to give me feedback.
Hi, good job on making this task🔥
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
You can study more HERE
<img src="images/image-qr-code.png">
alt="QR Code leading to"
Happy coding❤️ Hope this was helpful
I'd appreciate any helpful feedback or tips to improve the solution.
Hi, good job on making this task🔥
❌ Details for what ? Can you potentially name something else just 'details'?
<div class="details">
❌ Bottom of what ? Can you potentially name something else just 'bottom' ?
<div class="bottom">
❌ Duration of what ? Can you potentially name something else just 'duration' ?
I think you got the idea, this tip will make your code look more professional I recommend studying BEM methodology
Happy coding❤️ Hope this was helpful
Hi everyone! This is my first time using Sass, I would appreciate any helpful tips or advice that anyone could share.
Hey, good job on making this task🔥
I don't see any problems with footer, it is at the bottom of the page already. Maybe I didn't get the question.
Quick tips
Happy coding❤️ Hope this was helpful
Any feedback about how to write proper SASS with BEM and what's wrong with my styles. Any other comments, also kindly welcome.
Hi, awesome job🔥 Going to study, how you implemented validation
<div class="background-image"></div>
<div class="card__front--circles">
<span aria-hidden="true" class="circle circle__big"></span>
<span aria-hidden="true" class="circle circle__small"></span>
<div class="card__front--text">
<div class="front-card__text">
Modifier is usually an adjective (what size? what color?) or Boolean value
<span aria-hidden="true" class="circle circle__small"></span>
<span aria-hidden="true" class="circle circle--small"></span>
Happy coding❤️ Hope this was helpful
Help me to improve the solution code with your feedback!
Hi, good job on making this🔥 UI looks awesome
Suggestions about code structure and readablity⬇️
alt="Equilibrium NFT"
Happy coding❤️ Hope this was helpful
Hi, i'm Adnan Haydir. I'm Junior Web Developer. Currently learning about HTML, CSS and Javascript. Any feedback accepted! Thankyou! Cheers
Hi, good job on making this project🔥
<section class="qr-image">❌
<img src="images/image-qr-code.png" alt="" />
<section class="text">❌
<h1>Improve your front-end skills by building projects</h1>
Scan the QR code to visit Frontend Mentor and take your coding
skills to the next level
<section class="container"
alt="QR code to move to frontend mentor website"
Happy coding❤️ Hope this was helpful
All feedback is welcome thank you in advance ))
Hi, Fatima, good job on making this project, looks accurate to design.
I've got a couple of comments to improve your code🔥
Give more descriptive name for your classes. Why ? Believe me, after 1 month you would not understand which block is .part1 or .part2, etc, especially if the project was bigger.
You definitely can replace this with only one styled with CSS <p> tag.
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Tutorials by industry experts</p>
<p>Peer & expert code review </p>
<p>Coding exercises</p>
<p>Access to our GitHub repos</p>
<p>Community forum</p>
<p>Flashcard decks</p>
<p>New videos every week</p>
Tutorials by industry experts <br>
Peer & expert code review <br>
Coding exercises <br>
Access to our GitHub repos <br>
Community forum <br>
Flashcard decks <br>
New videos every week
Happy coding❤️ **Hope this was helpful**
The main problem is figma elements, that are a bit uncomfortable. I could write logical stuff for 1 day, but adaptive layout was freekly diffucult.
As I mentioned earlier, my layout is not very well for tablets (it looks okay on Phones and Desktops).
I would like you give me some pieces of advice after visiting my site :) Thanks for paying attendion!
Hi, good job on making this project🔥 It is not easy, so don't get discouraged
I would definitely recommend you first concentrate on your CSS skills and try to remaster this project using CSS Grid as the layout in figma built with 12-column grid.
Grid settings would take 10 rows at most, but you can achieve beautiful layout that is easy to adapt for different devices.
I have done this project, so you can study my solution of it. One thing to notice, I used SASS instead of styled components, but you still can open my solution in Mozilla dev tools to see where and how I implemented grid.
If you have any questions, you are welcome!
Happy coding❤️ Hope this was helpful
Hi, really great job 🔥 By first glance at your code I see that you are moving in the right direction !
Small tips
Just, so you understand better ➡️ You have block card everything inside are elements. Elements can be inside each other in code BUT class names must not display this.
This would be correct ⬇️
<div class="card__plan">
alt="Music tune icon"
<div class="card__plan-wrapper">
<div class="card__plan-duration">Annual Plan</div>
<div class="card__plan-price">$59.99/year</div>
Happy coding❤️ Hope this was helpful
A Página não está responsiva, ou seja, a estética só fica legal no computador. Ainda estou aprendendo então relevem algumas coisas. Deixem a opinião de vocês para que eu possa melhorar.
The Page is not responsive, i.e. the aesthetics is only legal on the computer. I'm still learning, so take a few things back. Leave your opinion so I can get better.
Hi, good job on trying to accomplish this not easy task🔥
Really important notes
As not all programmers speak your language, please make sure you name your repository and everything in code in English. (every class, etc.)
I like how you make notes to navigate in your code.
To improve the readability of your code I highly recommend to format huge lines of code like this ⬇️
❌ <input type="text" name="f_cnumber" class="f_cnumber" placeholder="XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX" minlength="19" maxlength="19">
placeholder="XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX"
I recommend you concentrating on easier tasks to master basic styling. Don't worry, it is OK to start from basics.
Happy coding❤️ Hope this was helpful
This is my first project using Javascript. All feedback is welcome.
Hi, good job on this🔥
I highly recommend trying to make as similar to design as possible.
<img src="./icon-star.svg" alt="star-icon">
width: 100%;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
padding: **pixel values**;
background-color: hsl(210, 5%, 17%);
color: hsl(217, 12%, 63%);
border-radius: 100%;
text-align: center;
margin-right: 15px;
border: none;
width: 35px;
Happy coding❤️ Hope this was helpful
Feedback Welcome
Hi, looks good🔥
<div class="image"></div>
width: 100%;
height: 35%;
border-top-left-radius: 10px;
border-top-right-radius: 10px;
background-image: url(/images/bg-pattern-card.svg);
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
Happy coding ❤️ Hope this was helpful