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All comments

  • C4rlos 410



    Nice way of doing those curves. Really like this approach!

  • C4rlos 410



    How do you calc all those clamps...? Nice solution!

  • C4rlos 410



    You need to copy whole <svg> to html code, and then you can set fill property. Check mine solution.

    Marked as helpful

  • C4rlos 410



    Check your site at 768px, layout gets messy

  • @yosephwinata


    Which one is the better practice:

    1. Creating a separate file for media queries (e.g. queries.css), OR
    2. Declaring the media query right after each CSS declaration (in the same file as the regular CSS).
    C4rlos 410



    Im using option 2. Sass mixins are really handy for this.

    Marked as helpful

  • @GentaSurya


    The difficult part of this challenge is changing the image between mobile and desktop version because they are two different image. I thinking about it for 30mins and finally got the idea how.

    C4rlos 410



    You can also use picture tag. Much better and you don't have to set media-queries.

    Marked as helpful

  • C4rlos 410



    Unable to add board and task. Edit board -> save changes is not responding to click.

  • C4rlos 410



    Hide meter only for screen-readers and build your custom one.

  • C4rlos 410



    Use one class that share same properties for cards, no need to repeat it. DRY principle. As for gap, you did it ok, but change it to

    gap: 2rem

    and deltete top/bottom margin from card - no need for it.

  • @jasnoludek


    EDITS: Max-width of the card container lowered from 63.75rem to 30rem for mobile screen sizes

    A margin of 1.5rem is applied to the main element.

    Mix-blend-mode is applied to the image and opacity of 0.75.

    Thanks @solracss !!

    Thank you for checking out my solution to this challenge. I believe some areas need to be refractored in order to have a smoother transition between mobile and desktop versions.

    I am not sure I am on the right path to properly setting the color overlay to the image.

    Always looking for new knowledge regarding best practices and accessibility.

    C4rlos 410



    Add mix-blend-mode: multiply;, change opacity to 0.75 for your image and you got it.

    For RWD you can add max-width for your card (decide what would be the best) mobile version. This would prevent for enormous streching.

    I'd suggest switching to desktop at around ~1200px.

    Marked as helpful

  • @DanishZubair


    I have done this challenge by following a tutorial. I want to ask how can I stop following tutorials and build projects, as I have knowledge of HTML and CSS, I have done many courses and I understand most of the advanced concepts in HTML and CSS, but I am not able to build the project. Can you suggest me what to do, as I am really worried about this. I have 2 years of experience in HTML and CSS. Thank you.

    C4rlos 410



    "how can I stop following tutorials and build projects"

    You've just answered yourself. Just stop code along and start using your knowledge by doing very easy projects like this one.

  • C4rlos 410



    Nice one! You could add a little transition for changing color on hover, so this change is more smooth. Try add some more padding/margin on wide screen for logo (Huddle) and social icons to be "closer" to main content. Really like your solution!

    Marked as helpful
