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    The project was initially developed with the entire static part. It began with the definition of style guides, colors, and typography. HTML5 was structured following the semantics of the tags.

    The arrangement of elements was applied using Grid and Flexbox logic. Finally, I added JavaScript to implement functionalities on the site, such as a hamburger menu for smaller screens.

    I had never manipulated a countdown timer in this way. This project increased my knowledge and enriched my portfolio.

  • Submitted


    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    This is a solution to the Shortly URL shortening API Challenge challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

  • Submitted


    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    The project was initially developed with the entire static part. It began with the definition of style guides, colors, and typography. HTML5 was structured following the semantics of the tags.

    The arrangement of elements was applied using Grid and Flexbox logic. Finally, I added JavaScript to implement functionalities on the site, such as a hamburger menu for smaller screens.

    Afterwards, the static project was converted into React components to enhance its maintainability.

  • Submitted


    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    Welcome to the Frontend Mentor "Space Tourism" challenge! This is an exciting project that allows you to showcase your frontend development skills by creating a website for a space travel agency featuring various thrilling destinations.

    The goal of this project is to build a responsive and interactive website that showcases different destinations for space travel. The site should provide detailed information about each destination, along with crew details and types of transportation.

    The project utilizes the following technologies:

    • HTML5: Content structuring.
    • CSS3: Layout styling, with the use of the SASS preprocessor for more efficient organization.
    • JavaScript: Adding interactivity to the page for a dynamic experience.
    • SASS: CSS preprocessor for better code organization, modularity, and maintenance.
    1. Intuitive Navigation: The site offers easy and intuitive navigation to explore the different space destinations.

    2. Destination Details: Each destination has a detailed page with information about the location, crew, and technology.

    3. Responsiveness: The site is fully responsive to ensure a consistent experience across different devices and screen sizes.

    I would like to express my gratitude to Frontend Mentor for providing this exciting challenge that allows for practical improvement of frontend development skills.

    Have fun building! šŸš€