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- @T23harmsSubmitted 12 days agoP@shawna-donnellyPosted 12 days ago
The preview probably needs to be regenerated for the comparison tool, but after looking online, everything looks good!
0 - P@barriedirkSubmitted 15 days agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
I used CSS Variables and tried to be more precise with the size of the components.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I need to improve my management with Figma, until now, I didn't know how to get the size of the separation between elements and the correct font.
In this project, I have taken some measurements by eye.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?How to get better measurements and font-face. When I compare my website with Figma, I think the font is not identical and the separation between elements failed.
P@shawna-donnellyPosted 15 days agoThe figma file can show some of the values for gaps or padding, too. You can use the tree browser on the left to select which part of the figma you want to see and you can get the details. It gives the precise values for box shadow, gaps, margins, etc. which should fix some of the differences in design vs solution.
Also, since this is implying some kind of blog with lots of possible article, you might not use the footer for the blog item itself, but more for the site as a whole. Same for section. A pointer for the cursor for the hover would look good, too.
Marked as helpful0 - @PedroJGCSubmitted 16 days agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
Me orgulho de ter terminado o projeto bem rápido.
P@shawna-donnellyPosted 16 days agoThe alt text should describe not just that it's a QR code image, but also its purpose (e.g., linking to Frontend Mentor to help improve front-end skills), so that users of assistive technologies fully understand the image's function.