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  • Travolgi πŸ•β€’ 31,420



    Hi there :)

    This challenge was to build the QR Code component, but it has become something more complex than a simple component!

    Inspired by another project, I wanted to add features to this challenge using React:

    • On load, it shows the default basic QR Code
    • Added a form that allows the user to enter a website URL to generate a QR Code for it
    • Dynamically update the QR Code as you type the URL
    • Dynamically update the color and background of the QR Code based on the customization input entered by the user
    • When the form is sent, the .png of the generated QR Code is downloaded

    I am eager to further evolve this project and learn much more connecting a serveless database! For now I'd be happy to have some feedback ;)

    Special thanks to @Remus432, he have really inspired me to create this dinamic component!

    Thank you for taking the time to check out my project! And Happy coding ;)



    wow!!!! so amazingπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
