@rominho99All comments
- @Riquelme3mSubmitted about 2 months ago@rominho99Posted about 2 months ago
Great code :) Check also the responsive design, maybe it would look a bitt better, when the main container has not the fully width in the mobile design
0 - @ASO24Submitted 3 months agoWhat specific areas of your project would you like help with?
verificar si la escructura que estoy usando es la correcta es decir i las etiquetas son las corrctas para cada elmento, si esta correcro usar flex en vez de grid como esta estructurado el orden.
@rominho99Posted 2 months agoHey I hope you're great. Your solution is very good, try next time to use more margin between the content. Maybe you can use also the line-hight attribute.
0 - @LEO-Bloody-SweetSubmitted 7 months ago@rominho99Posted 2 months ago
Try in your html code to use div containers. So try to build a main container and 2 more divs for the QR code and for the content. So it's easier to make the text fitting in the QR code container. Don't forget to change the font-family and the font-size.
0 - @psandreSubmitted 2 months agoWhat challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?
tive problema com a imagem (QRcode) do código. Na linha 21: <img src="image/image-qr-code.png" alt="qr-code" class="qr-code"> NÃO APARECIA A IMAGEM
Alterando o caminho para para: <img src="/image-qr-code.png" alt="qr-code" class="qr-code"> A imagem qrcode apareceu, mas logo em seguida voltou o problema.
Em seguida, solucionado quando alterado para: <img src="images/image-qr-code.png" alt="qr-code" class="qr-code">
- @arunkhairwarSubmitted 2 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
I am confident because the first time I built something from scratch without any tutorial, it was amazing for me because I learned a lot, I learned git and GitHub, I learned deployment, and how to think actually while building something.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I underestimated the time it takes, I was thinking of building it within two 2-3hour, but it took me more time than that because I explored git and GitHub, deployment how to write README files, and other stuff. with time i knew a simple site can also take some extra time, and it's to learn by doing instead of copy-pasting from ChatGPT.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?I want help Responsiveness, this project is not responsive, and did not practice it to make it responsive
@rominho99Posted 2 months agoHey man, Don't use the "justify-content:space-between", it's just if you want to create a div with two elements next to each other. In this task the picture and the text had to stay among each other. For responsive images use the "max-width: 80%;", if it's in a container it fits perfect. Keep the code short and easy :) If you want you can watch my created code. Have a great day,
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