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    I found it challenging to code the clever CPU move set. To get it working, I went with a brute force approach where the CPU checks rows, cols, and diagonals for moves to make, opponent's moves to block, and win requirements. I am curious if there is a more optimized way to do this.

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    One of the challenges I faced arose from the fact that i was changing the display property of divs using javascript. This was overwriting my CSS styles since javascript inserts styles inline. To get around this, I refactored my code so that the javascript would simply toggle a ".visible" class. The properties of this class I manipulated in my CSS.

    One thing I'm insure of is how to best organize my CSS file, I will be looking into best practices on how this is done, but would love some feedback too.

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    to center the grid container in the desktop view, I made it's parent, the body, into a flexbox container and used justify content & align items. Is this good practice ?

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    I found it challenging to overlap the images provided (the orange cube, the person at the screen, and the shadow) but with some research I found a nice way of doing it using CSS Grid. This also gave me substantial practice using CSS grid and next time i need to overlap images for a layout I will keep grid in mind.

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    I found it challenging to wrap my head around how mix-blend-mode works, it's something I definitely need more practice using. I also feel I could use more practice with the pseudoelements ::before and ::after.

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    There was really only one point that gave me confusion in this project. When switching to desktop view, my flexbox container changed from column to row as expected. However, I had to restrict the heights for both elements instead of setting the height for the flexbox container. Setting the height for the flexbox container didn't seem to do anything and I don't know why.

    @media (min-width: 700px) {
        .wrapper {
            flex-direction: row;
            max-width: 37.5rem;
            align-items: center;
        .img-pane {
            flex-basis: 50%;
            height: 28.125rem;
        .right-pane {
            flex-basis: 50%;
            height: 28.125rem;
            border-radius: 0 0.625rem 0.625rem 0;

    writing height: 28.125rem in .wrapper did nothing and because the wrapper was oversized, i had to use align-items: center to center the children.

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    Some challenges I came across involved finding out how to validate the email address. Some research on stack overflow helped me come across a handy regular expression to take care of this.

    Another challenge came when I tried to change the background of the input box to a reddish hue. Interestingly, using .style.backgroundColor made it so the color only flashed for a moment but using .style.background seemed to work as intended. I'm not sure why.

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    This was my first use of scss in my code so I'm sure I did not take full advantage of it's features. I would love to know different ways I could have made my .scss file cleaner or more DRY using some of scss's additional functionality.

    Also, this was my first time using javascript in a project. I am mostly happy with the results although one thing I would change for the future would be making it so once a number is selected (background orange), the hover effects no longer apply to it.

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    the biggest challenge i faced in this project had to do with the large image in the upper right side, and how it continues off of the page. the issue i was running into was that it was either creating a horizontal scroll bar or if i declared the content wrapper as overflow:hidden, too much of it was being cut off. I eventually found a way to make it work by declaring the html element to have overflow-x: hidden but i would love to hear if there's a better way to do it.

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    I found it a little bit tricky to style the cards in a way that the white of the summary card extends past it's edge and seemingly behind the results card. To create this effect i made the summary card 2x the length of the results card and placed it behind the results card using z-index. I also had to reduce it to 1x the length of the results card when switching to mobile view. I found grid very helpful in easily changing the rows and cols when i got to this point.

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    Feedback is very welcome and appreciated. I'm new to html & css, and some things I"m not sure of include:

    -organizational structure of html code and css classes. Was I right to place the content on the page in a content wrapper ?

    • fairly certain I could use some clarity on unit usage on elements and their parents / children (em, rem, %, vw, vh, etc)