In order to have a focus ring around the phrase: HTML & CSS foundations when it is focused, I will add the following classes:
This class removes the default focus outline that browsers apply when an element is focused. Usually, elements like buttons or links have a blue outline when focused (via keyboard navigation). By using focus:outline-none, you're removing that outline to customize it using other classes.
Adds a ring around the element with a thickness of 1 pixel when the element is focused.
Specifies the color of the ring to be black. This visual feedback indicates the element is currently in focus, which is important for accessibility, especially for keyboard users.
This class changes the cursor to a pointer (a hand icon) when the user hovers over the element, indicating that the element is clickable.
tabindex="0" (this is not a class, it is an HTML attribute)
This makes the <h1> focusable via keyboard navigation. Normally, headings aren't focusable, but adding a tabindex="0" allows it to be reached using the Tab key, enhancing accessibility for users who navigate via keyboard or assistive technologies.
So, finally your code for that phrase will be:
<h1 class="text-2xl font-extrabold hover:text-[#F4D04E] cursor-pointer inline-block focus:outline-none focus:ring-1 focus:ring-black " tabindex= "0">
HTML & CSS foundations