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    hey everyone it's been some time since i last uploaded a challenge solution i've been quite busy but i still want to make time for coding. i know this solution has plenty of room for corrections and suggestions please so comment on your thoughts it would help me alot. this is a personal question but i took a class for front end web development thats what ignited my zeal to learn coding but most of the classes were rushed especially their javascript class. i've been watching you tube tutorials though trying not to get discouraged. i signed up for the harvard cs50 class, should i focus on that or combine it with other tutorials? please do reply

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    hey everyone hope you're all doing well, I had lots of fun and a headache making this also used someone's suggestion and was able to change the color of the svgs s yay. I have a question regarding form validation is it possible to get the email error message without js, all the videos I saw used js if you have any suggestions please comment thank you, and have a great day.

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    hey everyone, hope you all are doing good, slowly getting the hang of how to layer pages yayy. I have a question regarding svg how can I change the color of it when I hover them I could only change the background color, please if you have any suggestions and ways I could have done this project better please comment and tell me would really appreciate it thank you and hopeyou have a good day/night.

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    hey everyone, hope you're doing good. had a lot of fun doing this but struggled with my background positioning after racking my brains finally did it. if you have any suggestion on better ways I could have any anything please do leave a comment thank you.

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    hey everyone, hope you're doing good. this is my first time working with grid and I'm happy how it turned out though I had a lot of issues still glad I did it. I had a problem scaling my text to move with my box for the mobile view but read an article about adding a width of 100% to the parent/ child container. i actually always face the problem where my text doesn't move with my container box like it doesn't shrink or increase while scaling I was hoping if anyone has any tips on how to fix it please comment and help me out. thanks alot

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    hey everyone, hope you're having a great day/night I had a lot of fun making this though I got frustrated with the positioning and accessibilty. i need sugestions/recommendations on what to do with the feedback rating part so that it adjusts with the screen size and takes up all the space. also the I don't understand why my text isn't taking up all the space towards the right on smaller screens. please go through the code and recommend what to do.thank you and have a great day

  • Submitted

    Hey everyone, hope you're having a good day/night. for this challenge I had problem with the vh of the section class of container that contained all my boxes, below the box of karma there isn't space I tried setting the viewheight of it to 100% but that made my box with a class of supervisor and calculator move from being positioned in the center. apart from applying margin-bottom is there any other alternative? please give me suggestions thank you

  • Submitted

    hey everyone, hope you all are having a great day/night. this is my fourth front end challenge, had a lot of fun making it also learnt a little about wavy background images but didn't quite understand it, so please any suggestion/recommendations on what to do would be appreciated a lot. I'm trying to focus more on semantics, someone gave me some wonderful pointers.

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    Hey everyone, hope you are all having a good day/night. this is my third challenge I'm finally getting the hang of display flex and positioning quite happy with that. I'm still struggling with web accessility so please if you have any resources or suggestions do share them thank you.

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    hey everyone hope you're having a great day/night, this is my second front-end challenge as simple as it should have been it gave me a lot of headache to be honest and I wanted to quit I'm glad I didn't. my major problem was with the accessibility still struggling with that also positioning the containers properly, any suggestions or tutorials to watch would be really appreciated also if you can tell me what keeps you motivated I would appreciate that a lot cause I really don't want to give up on learning coding. thank you.

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    trying to center the div of the main container gave me quite the problem also the sizing of the image I am always unsure of what to do. any suggestions would be appreciated alot