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  • Sunny78inator• 60



    Hey that's a really beautiful project! You executed it neatly!

    I have one question though. Is there any way that we could temporarily terminate the scrolling on the main page when the 'Back this project' window pops up? I have a similar project and im not able to do the same. I tried making the the position 'fixed' to the main page when that scenario occurs, that works, but also scrolls my page all the way to the top.

    Do share your thought on this if you possibly have any info. Thankyou!

  • Sunny78inator• 60



    The app looks fine. Adding the theme switching into the local storage was a good idea, so +1 for that! Anyways, I would only suggest you to consider speeding up the animations. Because in the professional perspective, most people are merely impatient, everybody wants everything done in a snap. Apart from that, you could also try adding the keyboard buttons event listener to all the buttons, for the sake of user friendliness. That's all I could suggest for you!

    Good luck, happy learning! :D
