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  • pbgo2 60



    HI Boya very well done, looks so awesome), If something but very tiny could be change from my side suggestion is that , "per month" string should appears vertically in middle of height of "$29" string, mean it need go a bit up on page. One of the option to achieve is eg:

    .per-month {

    it will pull up , relatively to native element position , -10px up (such value you can play around to get a visual expectation).

    Have you good coding

  • Amr Atif 60



    I'm currently learning about responsive layouts, and I would appreciate any feedback on my progress. If anyone has any suggestions or recommendations for resources to further enhance my understanding of responsive design, I would be grateful for the assistance. Thank you!

    pbgo2 60



    HI Amr Atif , really nice done project Well completed job.! I just looked your code and supplied assets (image- ./design/active-states.jpg ) It seems that when you do action to hover mouse pointer on particular button ,the button layout (background ,color, cursor shape) require to change according to above jpg guide. You can add some stuff to play with to your css eg for sedans:

          background-color: hsl(31, 77%, 52%);
          color: hsl(0, 0%, 95%);
          border: 2px solid hsl(0, 0%, 95%);
  • pbgo2 60



    Hello SPYDEY7, I think the best option to fix ,tune css class container a bit to allow automatically align columns width -with margin auto

    .container {
      display: flex;
      height: 400px;
      justify-content: center;
      align-content: center;
      //margin-inline: 20%;
      //min-width: 600px;
      margin: 20% auto;
      width: 65vw;
  • @Bimme2audrey


    Found it difficult aligning the text under image.

    pbgo2 60



    HI i looked your html too , i think when you will try to tidy scope of tags considering open /close tags with stuff inside intended. Such approach generally make code more readable and easier to fix it, also allow to you found some issues and fix problem with on page output format (simply code became much more intuitive )

    Tip! try to keep tags convention in your own code as you get it from code snippet:

    <div class="attribution">
        Challenge by <a href=""  target="_blank">Frontend Mentor</a>. 
        Coded by <a href="#">Your name here</a>.

    Marked as helpful
