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  • Submitted

    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I'm happy to have done this challenge because it really helped me in trying to understand how to best organize a multi-page website in various aspects, and gave me more confidence in facing challenges like this.

    In the future I would like to continue creating *challenges of this type, trying to add further customizations during development.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    The challenges I had to face in this challenge are related to the "main" component, i.e. the accordion, as I had to manage various aspects and exceptions, including the fact that the data was linked to other components of the page;

    Overall this design aspect was very useful.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    In general I would appreciate feedback regarding the work done, but specifically feedback regarding the code relating to the management of the accordion and the related parts would be of great help to me (summary, dialog ).

    Many thanks in advance ;)

  • Submitted

    Creative agency single-page (Html, Css(Sass), Js)

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    In this challenge I trained myself to build this modern and geometric layout, with some sections which, at least at the beginning, I found a little difficult, but as I continued I managed to have a clearer vision of the whole and I think I can have arrived at a good solution.

    Overall it was a really great exercise.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    The part that I found a little complex was the section where the slider is present, both the text part and the corresponding images; Especially because it changes radically from the mobile version to the tablet and desktop version, so I had to play around a bit to arrive at a solution that wasn't too complicated at code level, and that visually respected the design.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    If you like, you could leave me some feedback regarding my solution, both from the point of view of layout construction, and in the coding part, including the Javascript code regarding the functioning of the slider.

    I'm here, we can discuss it ;)

  • Submitted

    Time tracking dashboard (Html,Css(Sass),Vanilla Js)

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I created this challenge to get some practice on a relatively simple layout, given that I went for a few weeks without touching any code. Overall I'm satisfied with how the result is, there shouldn't be any errors, hey.. there's always more to learn!

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I have not encountered any particular difficulties or problems in the implementation; the only thing I had to change at a certain point was the way I overlaid the cards (the dark blue area with the information on the activities) compared to the colored area with the appropriate icon.

    If I tried to overlap them, you could see (especially in the edges) some pixels of the underlying color compared to the dark blue of the foreground.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    If you like, you could give me some feedback about the way I built the layout, especially how I created the individual cards, and maybe about the Javascript code (even though it's quite simple) you might have found a more streamlined solution than mine... I I'm here, we could discuss it ;)

  • Submitted

    Github user search app (Html,Css(Sass),Js,API)

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    Hi everyone;) With this challenge I continued my training regarding the use of APIs and the management of incoming data. Overall I didn't have any major problems, it was a good workout.

    If you want to tell me your opinion about the solution, and if you think there is something to improve or you want to give me some advice or feedback, I'm here ;)

  • Submitted

    Ip address tracker (Html, Css(Sass), Js, API)

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    Hello everyone ;) in this challenge I practiced again with the use of 2 different APIs, one to request information regarding the IP address provided by the user and the other to connect the coordinates of this address to an interactive map that reached the associated geographic address.

    I had some small problems regarding the management of the data relating to the input field (data entered by the user) as I had to manage both a possible IP address and a domain name of a website, but after some tests I was able to I succeeded and I'm quite satisfied with the result ;)

    For any questions/advice/feedback I would be happy to talk about it ;)

  • Submitted

    Clock app (Html, Css(SASS), Js)

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    This challenge was very interesting to build and fun at the same time. It gave me the possibility to use 2 different APIs, one to generate random quotes and another to get the data of the time zone from which the user visiting the page is connected , via IP address.

    Just before publishing the challenge I had problems with the API I wanted to use for geolocalization so I had to use another one and now everything should work ;)

    For any questions/feedback/constructive criticism I'm here and we can talk about it.. tell me what you think ;)

  • Submitted

    Advice generator (Html, Css(SASS), JS)

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    In this challenge I used an API for the first time, I thought I would encounter more problems regarding the implementation, but everything went well almost immediately. The rest of the challenge was really simple to do, i.e. the card with the advice inside so I had no problems ;)

    For any advice/criticism/comment on the challenge, I'm here and we can talk about it ;)

    Happy coding everyone

  • Submitted

    Crowdfunding product page

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    Hello everyone ;) I found this challenge very stimulating and at the same time not very simple (at least for some parts, JS side) to complete;

    Specifically, I found some initial difficulties in managing the various counters and associating the connected cards both outside and inside the dialog. Overall I'm satisfied though and if you like leave me some feedback / questions, we can discuss it and you can tell me what you think of my solution ;)

    good development everyone ;)

  • Submitted

    E-commerce product page (Html,Css(Sass), Splide.js, Js)

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    Hi everyone ;)

    In this challenge I learned to manage some interesting components, such as a slider (different between the mobile and tablet/desktop versions) and a lightbox inside a dialog box.

    for the photo slider I used a dedicated JS library, simple to implement, a little less to customize it according to the requested design, but overall I succeeded.

    If you like, you could leave me an opinion/advice/constructive criticism, we can discuss it, I'd be happy ;)

  • Submitted

    Bookmark landing page (Html, Css(Sass), Js)

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    hello everyone ;) in this challenge I faced some excellent challenges regarding the management of the layout of the various sections and the management of the various images in SVG format such as that of the hero-section; But above all, both the Tab-sections and the FAQ section helped me manage a slightly more complex layout and match the appropriate JS code.

    This time too I tried to use the CSS compilation technique called CUBE CSS to try to keep the code as clean as possible and avoid repetitions; However, I don't think I did it to the best of my ability...

    I'm open to feedback of any kind, constructive criticism, comments, if you like, take a look at the code and tell me what you think, we could talk about it ;)

  • Submitted

    Hello everyone ;) this challenge was fun and helped me in my constant training in Javascript;

    Obviously I ran into some difficulties along the way and wrote two versions of the code(JS), both of which worked, but the first one was longer and contained some not so necessary code, so I cut it down and hope I found a fairly coherent solution .

    With this challenge I wanted to try (regarding CSS writing) the CUBE CSS formatting to create a layout that is as scalable and easy to maintain take a look if you like; )

    For any questions/constructive criticism/advice I'm here and we can talk about it, see you next time ;)

  • Submitted

    Hi everyone, in this challenge I had some difficulties regarding the management of form errors, in particular regarding the control of the text inserted in the various inputs, and that it was in line with the characters allowed for each type of input.

    Also regarding the card number field as I had to understand how to automatically divide the numbers into blocks of 4, but thanks to the help of some online resources I managed to understand how it could work;

    if you like, you could leave me a feedback regarding my code solution (Js side especially) I would be really happy and as always, for any constructive criticism or question I'm here and we can talk about it ;)

  • Submitted

    Hello everyone ;) This is my solution for this challenge, I must say that I encountered difficulties in arranging the svg images of the Hero section, especially regarding the desktop view, in which the mockup phone svg is present which overlaps with the section below. I had overflow problems initially..

    Tell me what you think, and if you find that my solution is adequate or if I could have done better... for any info/questions/constructive criticism I'm here and I'll be happy to discuss it ;)

  • Submitted

    Hello everyone ;) In carrying out this challenge I found some difficulties, especially regarding the management of photos and the formatting of the slider in the desktop version.

    for the slider I used the Glide.js library, which I recommend in terms of operation and code management on the Javascript side and accessibility.

    I kindly ask for feedback both regarding my design solution and code management or for any other questions, I'm here ;)

  • Submitted

    This challenge allowed me to train in a similar way to the previous one (single page developer portfolio) regarding the different layouts of the sections, and to implement a "slider" of photographs, and overall I think I achieved the objectives in a clear and without too much difficulty.

    Did you like my solution? write to me in the comments, I'm open to any curiosity/constructive criticism/questions ;)

    Happy coding to everyone

  • Submitted

    This challenge was useful firstly as a layout exercise, having different sections in which to test yourself and secondly, regarding the implementation of the contact form, managing the various inputs combined with error management. Precisely for this last aspect, it helped me a lot to better understand how the forms work, also useful for future cases.

    For any info/questions/constructive criticism or simple feedback I am always available ;) Happy coding everyone

  • Submitted

    I wanted to do this challenge as a workout about the layout, as it was a fairly simple and fast process, using techniques that I now use in practically all challenges, so overall I didn't find any difficulties.

    Regarding the JS side, the necessary code is simple to implement having to practically do a single action, and I took the opportunity on the functioning of "forEach" useful for carrying out the task in very few lines

    If anyone has any questions/constructive criticism/advice I'm always happy to talk about it together ;)

  • Submitted

    hello everyone ;) this challenge was not very simple, from the point of view of the implementation of the JS code, as I had to do several tests until I got to cover all the various types of possible errors by the user and related error messages.

    Figuring out how to calculate age taking into account all possible variables, including whether or not the year is a leap year, also got me busy. But precisely for this reason it was a very useful challenge for the continuous learning of JS.

    How do you think he solved the challenge? if you have any question/information/suggestion I'm here and we can discuss it..see you next time ;)

  • Submitted

    In this challenge I found myself a bit difficult to manage the Javascript side of the code, especially in managing the form data well in order to get to display the correct result, both of the BMI index and of the recommended weight range.

    I had to figure out how to best style the two input types, both the radio button and the numeric input, but overall and with no small amount of difficulty I got as close as possible with the provided design.

    Do you have any advice/suggestions/constructive criticism to make regarding the design or even better, the code? I'm here and we can talk about it, I'd be very happy.


  • Submitted

    Hi everyone! I did this challenge primarily to review the use of grids in the main layout; it was quite simple, as it was necessary to order 3 main blocks such as the "Hero image", the inside containing 3 article previews and the area below containing 3 other articles.

    This time I tried using SASS to compile the CSS with SCSS syntax for this time, as it's a technology I'm dusting off right now and wanted to put myself to the test. I certainly didn't make the most of the syntax, I probably did some repetition and lengthening of avoidable code.

    Overall it was fun and useful at the same time, let me know if you like it, if you found my solution correct, and if I made the most of writing in SASS; For any criticism/question I will be happy to discuss it ;)

  • Submitted

    hello everyone ;) I wanted to do this challenge as training on building a layout, a little more complex than the single component card I did last time.

    it was easy overall, just in some points, such as in the management of the various SVG images present in the "hero section" I had to be a little more careful, to insert them in the right size, or about changing the color of the logo, also in SVG, to place it in the footer, in the end I used another version of the same, changing its color using an external software.

    I had one last perplexity when inserting the social icons, always in the footer, as by creating the circular white border, the latter was displayed distorted, based on the proportion of the icon itself;

    I fixed it by setting a different "aspect-ratio" than the default one.

    Overall it was a fun and useful challenge at the same time, a good workout ;)

    Do you think I used a good method to create and manage the layout? let me know in the discussion;

    For any feedback/criticism/question I will be happy to answer and discuss it together..good development everyone ;)

  • Submitted

    In this challenge, I practiced a bit with something stylistically easier than the last one (the space agency challenge), I set up the work using Flexbox for the general layout, and for the internal blocks, like the input field;

    From a stylistic point of view, and from the construction of the layout, I didn't encounter any difficulties but i had a bit of difficulty with the Javascript implementation of the 'Submit button' linked to tab switching, and I had to seek help from other people's solutions and watching a video about this topic.

    Overall it was interesting, a great workout! Any comment/feedback/constructive criticism is always welcome ;)

  • Submitted

    In this challenge, I first looked at resources that explained how to build a Design System and the correct way to approach building a site with multiple pages and multiple sections (it was my first time). Later I tried to implement everything trying to get a good result;

    I thought of this challenge as a "training" in the strict sense, because I added some pieces and I raised the bar of my knowledge about a more complex structure than the other challenges done so far.

    I hope you like the result, any comment or feedback is welcome ;)

  • Submitted

    Insure - Responsive Home Page

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    hi everyone, in this challenge I continued learning modern and consolidated layout techniques such as the Flexbox, which I used for most of the visual blocks, and the custom properties to speed up the work; For the rest I have not encountered many difficulties.

    Do you have any advice regarding the construction of the layout? or do you have any advice about writing or organizing the code?

    Any comments or constructive criticisms are welcome, tell me what you think;)