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  • Submitted

    Hello everybody 👋 This is my solution for this challenge :)

    ✨ My first Junior exercise :) I also added a tablet layout to the challenge ✨ Very nice to train CSS Grid skills with responsive layout


    • Semantic HTML5 markup
    • CSS custom properties
    • Flexbox / CSS Grid Layout
    • Mobile-first workflow
    • Added a custom tablet layout

    To Improve:

    I´m looking for ideas that can make my code cleaner, studying and adapting to the mobile-first methodology. So if you have any idea that can help me, I'll be happy to hear any feedback and advice!

  • Submitted

    Hello everybody 👋 This is my solution for this challenge :)

    It's been a while, but I'm back 🙏


    • Semantic HTML5 markup
    • CSS custom properties
    • Flexbox
    • Mobile-first workflow

    To Improve:

    I´m looking for ideas that can make my code cleaner, studying and adapting to the mobile-first methodology. So if you have any idea that can help me, I'll be happy to hear any feedback and advice!

  • Submitted

    Hello everybody 👋 This is my solution for this challenge :)

    It was my first time using Sass for a project, I had some difficulty at first, but I believe the next ones could be simpler.


    • Semantic HTML5 markup
    • Sass with variables
    • Flexbox for responsive layout
    • Mobile-first workflow

    To Improve:

    I´m looking for ideas that can make my code cleaner. If you have any idea that can help me, I'll be happy to hear any feedback and advice!

  • Submitted

    Hello everybody 👋 This is my solution for this challenge :)


    • Semantic HTML5 markup
    • CSS custom properties and variables
    • Flexbox for responsive layout
    • Mobile-first workflow
    • Add a nice hover state on the button

    To Improve:

    I´m looking for ideas that can make my code cleaner, studying the mobile-first methodology and other tools like Sass for future projects

    If you have any idea that can help me, I'll be happy to hear any feedback and advice!

  • Submitted

    Hello everybody 👋 This is my solution for this challenge :)

    Build with:

    • Semantic HTML5 markup
    • CSS custom properties and variables
    • Flexbox for responsive layout
    • Mobile-first workflow

    What I learned:

    It was a good exercise to practice the planning phase, configuring all the informations and variables to be used in the project, understanding the patterns that will repeat themselves.

    Also, I was able to working with the mobile-first workflow, that help me to understanding better this methodology and yours advantages. Very nice!

    And in order to develop a cleaner code, I tried to use the idea below so it wasn´t needed to repeat all the values of the button in the css: "also did it with the rectangles background"

    <button class="button-box nav-orange">Learn More</button>
    <button class="button-box nav-blue">Learn More</button>
    <button class="button-box nav-green">Learn More</button>
    .button-box {
      background-color: var(--color-soft-white);
      width: 146px;
      height: 48px;
      flex-shrink: 0;
      border-radius: 25px;
      margin-top: 25px;
      margin-left: 48px;
      font: 400 15px "Lexend Deca", sans-serif;
      border: 2px solid var(--color-soft-white);
    .button-box.nav-orange {
      color: var(--color-orange);
    .button-box.nav-blue {
      color: var(--color-nav-blue);
    .button-box.nav-green {
      color: var(--color-nav-green);

    Continuing to learn:

    I´m still looking for ideas that can make my code cleaner, studying the mobile-first methodology and other tools like Sass for future projects

    If you have any idea that can help me, I'll be happy to hear any feedback and advice!

  • Submitted

    Hello everyone! I did my first challenge :)

    I used flexbox to try to center the component on the page, I hope it's right..

    It was my first time using git and github, does anyone know how to open the link of the file on a new tab? Or if it´s possible? I tried to find a method, but couldn't do it..