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  • @nirvayathapa


    Reallly goood! I just want to know how did u get the perfect dimensions of the card and stuff?figma design file? Thanks u for answering!

  • Odiesta 100



    I struggle to center the container. Then after a lot of googling i use display flex and align-items center. I was unsure whether to target the html tag in css or tag inside particular css class. Is it best to target html tag inside classes or id because it is more specific?



    You can also use grid to center the container by writing display:grid; and place-items:center; inside body tag and in ur project ,u used flexbox which is also good.Though i am a beginner what i learned from doing project is u really need to be proficient with grid,flexbox and box model.And i dont know bout best practice but i usually target specific html element especially when doing specific style to them and i think it's best to specify the tag and u can do it by specifying the class or id of the particular tag u r styling

  • @nirvayathapa


    Fifth project! there are still some things I need to improve and if u guys have any tips or any sort of suggestions, please feel free to comment down! Thanks u and take of this newbie!
