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    This was my first somewhat more advanced React project.

    Made with HTML5, SASS, React.js.

    Most of the time, by far, was spent on working through all the states, filtering through them and still keeping the original state intact. Took a very long time to get to the point where I finally figured out I had to use the switch statement to get the filter working.

    Another (very basic) issue that took me way too long to solve was with keeping the checkboxes in the checked state when filtering through the items. All I had to do was to add the "checked=" attribute to the checkbox element.

    Implementing different colour themes wasn't much of a challenge, CSS was a breeze this time around.

    I've not implemented the Drag and Drop feature at this time, I've been fiddling with the ReactDnD utility but it currently seems a bit too difficult for me to grasp and implement. Will get back to it once I get some more knowledge and experience.

    Please let me know if there are any bugs that you've encountered, feel free to leave feedback. Thank you!

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    My first API-related project. Made with HTML5, SASS, ReactJS (Axios, useState, useEffect).

    What I've learned:

    • basics of SASS (using variables and nesting)
    • playing with media view for completely responsive design
    • basics of useState
    • basics of useEffect
    • basics of GIT (commit, push) and Github

    My considerations

    The project took me considerably less time than my very first project (the Rating component). The first one took over 8 hours, whereas this took about 4 hours, mostly spent on getting the Axios.get working, and minutiae CSS details.

    CSS: Positioning the button was difficult, played around with negative margins which didn't seem like an elegant solution. Researched alternatives and used transform, instead.

    React: Could have used fetch instead of the Axios package, had difficulties implementing the get function and reading data on it. Lots of Googling and reading docs.

    Thank you for taking the time to check my work out. I'm very open to any and all comments and suggestions ❀️

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    // EDIT: I've implemented kirty's suggestions (in the comments) and centered the Thank you text, as well as added code that disables the submit button until a rating is chosen. Thank you kirty! ❀️


    This is my very first, ever, project that I've done fully on my own.

    I've used ReactJS and Sass to build this component.

    I definitely think I didn't use Sass to the fullest, however it was my first time using it, so I've used variables and nesting. Any feedback in regards to making the css file smaller are welcome.

    I am also aware that I could have split the CSS styles for each component, however having looked into that, I would have to work with importing them, and I feel that this project is small enough it didn't warrant splitting the files up.