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  • P
    Dan Marius 625



    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I appreciate any helpful feedback.



    The Interactive Rating Component is well-designed and user-friendly, offering a seamless experience across devices. The use of HTML, SCSS, and JavaScript is effectively executed, providing both aesthetic appeal and dynamic functionality. Great job on making the component both responsive and accessible!

  • @najahaja


    Your tip calculator project is well-organized and user-friendly. The full-width inputs for the bill and number of people enhance usability and ensure a clean layout. The reset button functionality is streamlined, allowing for automatic calculation of results. One suggestion is to add more color differentiation for better visual feedback on interactions and results. Overall, the project is solid and intuitive with these thoughtful design improvements.

  • @najahaja


    Your time tracker project is well-designed, with a clean and intuitive interface. The functionality for logging and displaying time entries works smoothly, but consider adding features for editing or deleting entries for greater flexibility. Improving the responsiveness of the design on mobile devices could enhance user experience. Additionally, implementing local storage or a backend database would ensure that data is saved between sessions. Overall, it's a solid foundation with room for these enhancements.

  • P
    Rupali 780



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I was able to solve the challenge based on the requirements.

    However, next time I would like to use less of Javascript and rely on the CSS for better performance, simplicity, maintainability and CSS's declarative nature. (for instance check the email pattern using the pattern attribute of the input and rely on the in-built validation)

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    The only challenge that I encountered was to decide if I should use Javascript or CSS to check the validity of the email. Ultimately, I decided to stick to the challenge's requirement. However, in real life, I would explain to the product owner, the technical advantages of relying on CSS, which could deviate a little from the original requirement.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    What do you think about the accessibility aspect of my code? Please suggest improvements



    Your newsletter subscription form is well-designed and user-friendly. The layout is clean, and the responsiveness works well across different devices. The inclusion of clear error messages and a success page enhances the user experience. Great job on the overall implementation!

  • P



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I'm proud because I succeeded in finishing this project independently, without relying on others.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I didn't know how to solve problem in Javascript but I found solution on Youtube.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Please, leave feedback and recommendations.



    Your project demonstrates a solid understanding of CSS and responsiveness. However, the hover effects and layout adjustments could benefit from more precise positioning and consistent media queries. Ensure that your CSS selectors are specific and avoid conflicting styles. Testing across different browsers might also help identify any cross-browser compatibility issues.

  • @najahaja


    Your grid layout design is impressive, with a clear and functional arrangement of items across different screen sizes. The use of CSS Grid to achieve a complex layout is well-executed, and the responsive adjustments you’ve made ensure a smooth user experience. For improvement, consider enhancing accessibility by ensuring sufficient contrast and adding ARIA roles. Additionally, refining your CSS for even more efficiency could streamline the code and improve maintainability. Overall, great job!

  • @Rui-Martins23


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Most proud of using a successful mobile-first approach, with the help of Flexbox and Grid, which allowed me to render the webpage correctly on all screen sizes.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    The main challenge was to go from mobile-size to tablet-size and then desktop-size. Through the use of css grid this became more easy to achieve.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Maybe some tips on how to avoid repetition writing the css code. Ended up with the feeling that perhaps my style.css file was a bit too long.



    I just reviewed your project and wanted to say that you did an excellent job with the responsive design! 🌟 I’m really impressed by how well your layout adjusts across different screen sizes. The use of CSS Grid and Flexbox is spot-on and makes the design look great on mobile, tablet, and desktop views. The media queries you’ve implemented are effective and seem to be working perfectly. It’s clear that you’ve put thought into making sure the design is fluid and adaptable. Additionally, the consistency in your styling and layout is commendable, making everything look cohesive and providing a smooth user experience across various devices. Your project showcases a strong understanding of responsive design principles. Keep up the fantastic work—it's evident you’ve put a lot of effort into this!

    Marked as helpful

  • @najahaja


    Your project demonstrates a strong grasp of responsive design, especially with the effective use of the picture element and source tags to handle different images for various screen sizes. The layout adapts well to both mobile and desktop views, and the clean CSS enhances the visual appeal and functionality.

    For further improvement, consider refining the accessibility aspects by ensuring adequate color contrast and adding ARIA labels where necessary to improve screen reader compatibility. Additionally, performing cross-browser testing could help identify and resolve any inconsistencies across different browsers. Implementing performance optimizations, such as lazy loading for images and minifying CSS and JavaScript, might also enhance load times. Finally, organizing your CSS for better maintainability and addressing any potential specificity issues could streamline your development process and improve code readability. Overall, your project is well-executed, and these suggestions could help elevate it even further.

  • @najahaja


    Your recipe page looks fantastic and adheres closely to the design specifications. The responsive design works well across devices, and the custom font enhances the visual appeal. Your code is clean and well-organized, making it easy to follow.

    For improvement, consider refining the table styling for better alignment and readability. Adding more accessibility features, such as aria labels, would enhance support for screen readers. Additionally, optimizing images and CSS could improve page load times. Overall, great job with just a few areas to tweak for a polished finish!

    Marked as helpful

  • @najahaja


    The overall design and layout of your project are fantastic and well-executed. However, I noticed that the font size and color choices differ from the provided guidelines. Ensuring consistency in these elements will help align your design more closely with the specifications. Adjusting the font size and color to match the intended design will enhance the cohesiveness of your project. Keep up the great work, and I look forward to seeing the final touches

    Marked as helpful

  • @najahaja


    Your project looks impressive and is well-executed overall. The design is clear and functional, and you’ve managed the layout effectively. However, I noticed that the height and width of the page differ from what was initially specified. Ensuring that these dimensions match the intended design guidelines would enhance consistency. It might be helpful to adjust the CSS to align the height and width with the project requirements. Otherwise, your implementation is solid and well done.

  • @najahaja


    Your project demonstrates a solid understanding of HTML and CSS, and the design looks visually appealing with a clean layout and coherent color scheme. The use of these technologies effectively supports the overall aesthetic and functionality of the site. However, I noticed that the responsiveness could be enhanced. On smaller screens, some elements appear misaligned or overlapping, which impacts the user experience. Implementing CSS media queries could help address these issues and ensure a smoother, more consistent layout across different devices. Additionally, while the design is effective, improving accessibility could further enhance usability. For instance, ensuring that all interactive elements are keyboard accessible and increasing text contrast in certain areas would make the site more inclusive. Overall, you’ve done a great job with the basics of HTML and CSS. With a few tweaks, particularly in responsiveness and accessibility, your project will be even more robust and user-friendly.
