Did I set the focus styles on my links properly? Any better ideas on how to place the 'plan name' and 'price'. I used spans but I still can't answer Grace's question. :-( Any constructive suggestions on my code?
-Thanks for taking a look.
Did I set the focus styles on my links properly? Any better ideas on how to place the 'plan name' and 'price'. I used spans but I still can't answer Grace's question. :-( Any constructive suggestions on my code?
-Thanks for taking a look.
Had trouble scaling the entire component. Since I knew the text was fixed at 15px and a font-weight of 400, I boxed it in and scaled everything else to fit. Is there a better way? I am still having trouble geting my repository to show up as a github pages. Does anyone have any cheat sheets on the topic? Any feedback would be appreciated. I'm gonna go look and see how everyone else did it. :-)
Please review my project and provide feedback. I am interested in proper semantic HTML markup. Did I succeed? I am also interested in the image size, scale and placement. I've seen all kinds of elaborate code related to the image in other people's code but I didn't see the need for it since I was using flexbox. Did I miss something? Finally, I am new to markup and how to properly organize repositories in GitHub. Is my file okay? This was a great first challenge. Just what I was looking for. I am looking forward to starting the next challenge.