@ArfirpoSubmitted 12 months ago
Frontend Mentor - Fylo data storage component solution
Hi everybody! 👋
This is a solution to the Fylo data storage component challenge on Frontend Mentor.
The challenge 🎯
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size
Links 🔗
- Solution URL: Github Repository
- Live Site URL: Github Page
My process ⚙️
Built with 🛠️
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- BEM Methodology
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- Mobile-first workflow
- Media Queries
- Javascript
What I learned 📚
This challenge allowed me to learn and practice how to configure an input range and how to use javascript to dynamically update the input color
// Add an event listener for the 'load' event to update values and color on initial load
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
// Get the current value of the input range as an integer
const usedValue = parseInt(inputRange.value);
// Update the content of HTML elements with used and remaining values
storageUsed.innerText = usedValue;
storageLeft.innerText = 1000 - usedValue;
// Call the function to update the range color
// Add an event listener to the input range to update values and color
inputRange.addEventListener("input", () => {
// Get the current value of the input range as an integer
const usedValue = parseInt(inputRange.value);
// Update the content of HTML elements with used and remaining values
storageUsed.innerText = usedValue;
storageLeft.innerText = 1000 - usedValue;
// Call the function to update the range color
// Function to update the color of the range
function updateRangeColor() {
// Calculate the percentage of the current value in relation to the maximum value and round the result
const percent = Math.round((inputRange.value / inputRange.getAttribute('max')) * 100);
// Update the background style of the input range with a linear gradient
inputRange.style.background = `linear-gradient(to right,
hsl(6, 100%, 80%) 0%,
hsl(335, 100%, 65%) ${percent}%,
hsl(229, 57%, 11%) ${percent}%,
hsl(229, 57%, 11%) 100%)`;
Author 🙋🏻♂️
- Twitter/X - @agus_firpo
- Frontend Mentor - @Arfirpo
- Linkedin - Agustín Rodrigo Firpo