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All comments

  • @michey85


    Hey! Nice job, man!

    I have couple of comments:

    • you need a default active status for links
    • delete .eraser-img tag, you don't need it at all - just add overflow: hidden to you sections and you will get the same result, but without extra div's
    • try to name your css classes more explicit than 'block1,2,3'
    • it is always better to use something unique - margins OR padding, for example the last paragraph (last week ...) now has both of it, but it's better to use just padding

    Try to add js logic for this. It will be fun!

    Good luck!

  • @paulxcz


    Hi! here again, this time I made this challenge using JS vanila and scss, I had a lot of fun maybe more than I thought, but I learned a lot, I would appreciate it if you take a look and any feedback to improve will be well received :)



    Hey! Nice work.

    Some things to improve:

    • when I type something and then choose region from select I expect to apply it both. For now select cancels search field and vice versa
    • on detail page border countries should be clickable and bring us to other details
    • I have horizontal scroll on Bouvet Island detail page
    • maybe its better to change the type of color mode, not always leave it as dark theme
    • image on detail could look strange on some screens, try to use object-fit property.

    Good luck!

  • @androgitai


    Hi everyone!

    Welcome to my solution to this challenge! I built this solution with purposely with Vanilla JS on an MVC architecture with Webpack 5 and not with React or any other SPA framework... I would love to have any feedback about my code, the built-up of the project or how good/bad I managed to implement this :) Thanks all!



    Good job, man! I like this nice transition between themes. Maybe you should work with margins on Details page, add some space between moon icon and theme text and work on selector (of course it's always most difficult part with the form). I made the same project with React, so I can imagine how much it took from you with vanilla.

    Marked as helpful

  • @michey85


    Nice animation. But I'm not sure if we really need it this way. I suggest we should animate changing numbers only.

    Marked as helpful

  • @Nova988



    I had a difficult time with positioning the illustration and responsiveness of the card. Is there something i could have done better with my code in terms of positioning the illustration?

    Also, the card is not responsive. The card doesn't shrink when i adjust the screensize using dev tools. What could i do to fix it? I have set the questions on min-width ...px. Has the responsiveness have to do something with that? I appreciate any help!



    Great job! You still have a lot work to do with mobile first. It doesn't work correctly on small screens. Try to add some paddings to base container and move a picture a bit down. Optional it would be nice to have a simple animation for open/closing accordion's items.

  • @michey85


    Hi there! Nice looking hover effect on menu items. Cool!

    What is better to improve:

    • size of all heading and paddings inside all section
    • first Request invite button need hover effect and also cursor poiner
    • top image should be over next section too: you could try with positioning (relative or absolute) or negative margin-top for the next section
    • for articles is better to fix images - it should be all same size
    • on mobile I see horizontal scroll - try to fix it, plus some text is under the top image
    • try bem notation for css class naming