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  • Clara Wen 320



    I really used lots of relative and absolute positionings throughout the CSS to complete this challenge. It was a good learning experience of CSS position properties. The background picture in mobile screen however, for some unknown reason was a bit compressed than the original, although I have set the image to the exact dimensions that Figma provided.

    I still haven't found really helpful resources on how to configure CSS filter to get the image color change on hover. The block below changes the social icon color/hue from black to orange. Can some one explain how this works or send some helpful links? I got the filter configurations from @mendoncajoao who has completed the challenge.

    .social_media a:hover,
    .social_media a:active {
        filter: invert(74%) sepia(57%) saturate(5327%) hue-rotate(327deg) brightness(103%) contrast(96%);



    Hey Clara!

    I posted on my reply the resources for the CSS filter, but I will repost them here, so people that are led to your solution can also have access to the resources:

    CodePen Home CSS filter generator to convert from black to target hex color

    CSS tricks has a page on CSS filters that explains some tricks to change the hue colors: Ways to change svg fill colors with css filters

    If you want to get really technical and maybe even go crazy, check this discussion on stackoverflow: Crazy maths ahead: Watch out!

  • @MichelleMonrreal


    So really the only thing that I found difficult was the positioning. Im just starting out so I really didn't want to use flex/grid, just to really get the hang of positioning relative/absolute/fixed. To get the div right in the middle of the page was difficult for me I found a solution on stack overflow (, its the third solution down it work for me but I'm really not sure about the reasoning/why it works. So I would really appreciate the feedback, maybe explain why it works. But this was really great for my first challenge! Thanks! -Michelle



    Hi Michelle.

    Your result looks good, but the code is a little bit messy.

    If you don´t want to use grid or flexbox to center that object, you can use transform and position absolute.

    Inside the style file, all you need to center the card is:

    body {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        background: hsl(212, 45%, 89%);
    .card {
        position: absolute;
        top: 50%;
        left: 50%;
        transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
        height: 470px;
        width: 310px;
        background: white;
        border-radius: 15px;

    This works as the BODY tag is already doing the work for your .qr-card class.

    The way this works is explained very well in this site:

    I hope this helps you.

    Keep on coding!

  • @mendoncajoao


    Wow!! This has to be the one of the most perfect reproductions I´ve seen so far. It looks almost like 2 screenshots placed one on top of the other!

