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  • Redha 90



    hello there , good job on the challenge . the only thing i can add to this is to use the fonts: -check the read-me file or the style file u ll find the requested fonts there as well as font weights recomended .

    • import them to your css file after getting them from google fonts. also the card size seems small compared to the font-size, play with the font size till u come close to the one wanted . again u ve done a good job i hope this was helpfull, good luck on next challenges

    Marked as helpful

  • Redha 90



    hello there i think u can use this on body class body{ display: flex; justify-content: center; } to ensure that ure main is centered in the page so the site . good luck on the next challenges

  • Redha 90



    hello, you should also use border raduis , and box-shadow also i would suggest the use of max-width, and flex-box . good luck on your comming challenges

    Marked as helpful

  • @MAR2409


    This was a fun challenge to complete. However, I was unable to make the the logos change color when hovering. If any feedback on how to accomplish that will be greatly appreciated so I can then update the code. Thank you all so much.

    Redha 90



    i think if u add &.logos class name : hover {box-shadow } and a transition to the logos class name would do the trick .
