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    I build this solution with React and React Router, bundling with Vite because Vite offers faster build times, a better development experience, smaller bundle sizes, easier configuration.

    This solution is not perfect, there are several bugs that when we search a gibberish country it's still give us some result 😕. I'll be very thankful if one of you guys want to help me fix this bugs.

    Thanks . . . 👋

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    It's challenging for those who wants to sharpen JavaScript and form validation skills As always, any kind of feedback are very welcome ..

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    There are a lot of new things I'd learned throughout this challenge.

    • Floating labels
    • Dom Manipulation
    • Form validation
    • Form Data Process
    • Passing a function as an argument
    • Refactoring code.

    In this case, when I clicked the submit button and all inputs are empty, I wanted the first error message to appear are "First Name is required", instead of "First Name at least 5 characters". So I remember we can pass a function as an argument, right? Then I create another statement inside a checkRequired() then pass a checkLenght() and checkEmail() as an argument, and it works as I wanted.

    My question is, can you guys explain why it is working? I really didn't know what I'm doing I just intuitively pass that function into an else if statement but I really don't understand how it works.

    Your feedback will be really appreciated guys.Thanks.

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    Mobile-first workflow build with scss, flexbox, grid, and vanilla javascript. Any feedback are very welcome . . .

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    News homepage

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    Mobile-first work flow using Sass, flexbox, CSS Grid and little bit of JavaScript for the Hamburger menu. any kind of feedback are lovely welcome . . .

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    As always.. Mobile-first approach using sass/BEM methodology, flex layout. Any kind of feedback is lovely welcome ...

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    Mobile-first approach using sass/scss and grid layout technique. any kind of feedback is very welcome. thanks . .

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    Another flexbox practice using Sass BEM methodology .. all kind of feedback is welcome..

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    Sass practice and BEM naming , any kind of feedback is welcome ...