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  • @lucas-merino-dev


    Hello! How are you doing?

    I took a quick look at your website, and it isn’t appearing correctly. This problem helps because, for some reason, github sometimes shows the README file instead of the HTML one.

    You can simply solve that by deleting the README file and redeploying your page on “Pages” section at your repository. After that you can recreate the file you deleted.

    Hope it helps! See ya!

  • adrGlez 30



    If you have any details on how it could be improved, feel free to share it with me. It would be a great help to get better my skills and I will be very gratefully.



    Hello! How are you doing? Congrats on completing the challenge!

    I just opened your solution on my cellphone and noticed it was not responsive… you can add responsivity just by using media queries (@media).

    You can learn some stuff about media queries here

    Hope it helps you! See ya!

    Marked as helpful

  • @lucas-merino-dev


    Hello! How are you doing?

    Congrats on completing this challenge!

    I just opened it on my cellphone and it was a little messy… I think you didn’t change the image. You can do that just by adding an id to your desktop image and change the url to the mobile image on the media query.

    Also, your footer got covered by the card, you can solve that just by adding a margin to the bottom.

    Stay fine! See ya!

    Marked as helpful

  • @lucas-merino-dev


    Hey! How are u doing?

    I tried to open your solution on my cellphone and it doesn’t seem to be responsive… You can add responsivity using @media so it will look just fine in any screen width.

    You can learn about media queries here.

    I hope that will help you! See ya!

  • @lucas-merino-dev


    Hey! How are u doing?

    Congrats on completing that challenge! Really fun one, huh?

    I took a look at your solution and I wanted to recomend a few things, like adding a margin to your green price, so it can create some space between the button and the text... Also your transition between big and small layouts are a little late...

    Anyway... Hope u stay fine! See ya!

    Marked as helpful

  • @Leonardo-Marcilino


    Tive um pouco de dificuldade na parte de utilizar de forma efetiva a TAG <picture> e conseguir migrar a imagem de visualização desktop para a do mobile



    Salve Leo! Parabéns por completar esse desafio!

    Também senti alguma dificuldade pra trocar as imagens referente ao tamanho da tela, mas a gente dá aquele jeitinho de brasileiro né!

    Dei uma olhada no seu site, a única coisa que percebi foi a mudança de imagem um pouco antes do layout do site, resultando em uma foto esticada durante a redução de alguns pixels... Se você der uma olhada no meu código, tem outra maneira de trocar a imagem, achei no Stack Overflow e me serviu perfeitamente!

    Espero te ver mais por aqui, logo seremos grandes devs! Abraço!

    Marked as helpful

  • @lucas-merino-dev


    Hi, Samuel!

    Congratulations on completing this challenge, I did it yesterday and really enjoyed it, hope you liked it too!

    I'm on my journey to become a frontend dev and I like to view other people's solutions in order to improve my skills or just for fun!

    The only thing is about your repository on github, the readme file you posted is supposed to be edited by yourself talking about the challenge and your learnings. Otherwise, yours became very nicely, great job!

    Marked as helpful
