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    My 58th completed Frontend Mentor challenge! That's all of the free ones complete, (well, accept for the new one they just added). It was an 11 month journey, but I learned so much. I wrote about it here:

    Thank you to everyone who commented and liked my projects <3. I hope to give back and help others in their coding journeys as well!

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    I have to come back and figure out how to get Leaflet map to center dynamically.

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    The draggable feature took a while to figure out even while using a library, but I did it! The rest of the app was easy for me after having practiced adding and deleting objects from a backend via the Interactive Comments Section project.

    NOTE: If you add a todo, it will be saved to a cloud-based backend and will be seen by others unless you delete the todo as well.

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    Counting down to November 21st! Used WebDev's tutorial to figure out flipping animation css, because I wouldn't have known how to do that, as well as the most of the javascript logic.

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    Took double the time I thought, but I took my time to organize and extract my components in a way I am proud of. Had a chance to practice using the clamp property.

    NOTE! : This website only uses your session storage, so all storage will be removed once you close the tab.

  • Submitted

    Hi everyone! This project was a beast, but I figured it out. Definitely a lot of cleanup and refactoring to do.

    NOTICE!!! if you add or like a comment, everyone will be able to see it, as it is saving to a backend on Firebase. please do not abuse this power. I think it will stop being editable after 30 days as well.

    this site will save whether you have liked or disliked a comment to your localStorage, so if you are testing out this site, you can clear the site cookies when you're done.

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    Just followed the tutorial for this one, and learned a lot about how I'd like to approach future projects! Thank you, Kevin and Scrima team!

  • Submitted

    News Homepage

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    Admittedly not so great on this challenge, I will come back and practice using grid better later.

  • Submitted

    Y'all! Validating forms is hard. This is why people use libraries lol, and that's something I want to practice, but I wanted to try figuring it out myself. I did, although it is not perfect and is far from following DRY principles. I hope to come back and refactor it. I practiced a little bit of accessibility and tested it but I need to learn how to announce the errors once the user tries to submit.

    14 more free challenges left for me to go :)

  • Submitted

    Nice to do a challenge in plain ol' HTML, CSS, and JS again! Learned how to make a nice image carousel following a tutorial, and about data attributes.

  • Submitted

    I can't believe I went 7 days without coding :(. But happy to get back at it and complete all the landing pages!

    I want to learn how to make the transitions in react more smooth when the content dynamically changes. If anybody knows any resources on learning how to do so, please let me know!

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    Ugly desktop carousel until I can figure out something nicer, which I plan to do today.

    Edit: I did make a carousel that works the way I want it to, and felt clever that my idea actually worked the way it wanted to, but I know it's a clunky solution and want to learn a better way.