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NFT Preview Card Component
Submitted 6 days agoO hover da imagem com outra imagem e fundo. Tive que copiar de outro...
Product Preview Card Component
Submitted 14 days agoNo momento ainda não preciso. Estou conseguindo avançar efetuando algumas pesquisas básicas.
Latest comments
- @Werner0307Submitted 11 days ago
- @anhvu1012Submitted 12 days ago
- @harsh-mohan-99Submitted 15 days agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
I am proud of that i have overcome all the challenges that i have faced in this project and also making it close to responsive.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I have faced a challenge in the last of this project when i was creating the nutrition list. i was so confused that what element i have to use to build this and after a several minutes thinking and debugging i decided to switch on table element.It was very stressful for me.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?I want to deeply analyze the last part of my project called nutrition section so that i can make it more easily and without any mistakes.
@lesliebagalhoPosted 15 days agoO projeto não tem a responsividade funcionando perfeitamente.
O arquivo style.css não existe no projeto.
E não é legal você estilizar o seu projeto no mesmo arquivo index.html. Não está aplicando as boas práticas de desenvolvimento. E pra quem vai fazer uma manutenção, fica complicado.
0 - @AstroDrissSubmitted 3 months ago@lesliebagalhoPosted 15 days ago
A única observação que faria para este projeto é criar a pasta css dentro da pasta asseets e mover o arquivo style.css.
No mais, excelente projeto.
0 - P@pylopesSubmitted 7 months ago@lesliebagalhoPosted 15 days ago
Visualizando o CSS, para melhoria: 1- Criar um :root para as cores 2- Não consegui encontrar o mobile first com 375px 3- Não consegui encontrar o desktop 1440px
Com isso a responsividade parece que não funcionou.
0 - @eduhermannsihesieSubmitted 17 days agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
Being a first attempt i am proud of the outcome, though it took me a lot of time more than planned but i will work on that.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?Finding different ways to solve the problem of box sizing, the padding and margin really gave me some headache but i was able to solve that.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Responsiveness
@lesliebagalhoPosted 15 days agoParece que o link para o style.css está incorreto. Também tem que ter um elemento h1 no HTML.